Ms. Jenni Ferrari-Adler
Verve Talent & Literary
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Jenni Ferrari-Adler
Verve Talent & Literary
New York, NY
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- @jenferrariadler
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- No
Query Methods
Accepts queries via...
This agent is seeking the following genres:
Graphic Novel
Literary Fiction
Women's Fiction
Young Adult
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Known Clients (current & past)
Mo Daviau
Jessica O'Dwyer
Neel Patel
Eileen Pollack
Ana Reyes
Lauren Shockey
Ellen Sussman
Susie Yang
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
03/10/2025 07:39 PM
Emailed my query and first 20 pages to Jenni Ferrari Adler (website--
True Crime/Trauma Memoir 77,000 words
True Crime/Trauma Memoir 77,000 words
01/28/2025 04:09 PM
11/12/24 email Q
11/12/24 same day request for full
1/28/25 brief & polite rejection
"Thanks for sending this my way and for your patience. I like the writing and the sensibility but I just don’t have the vision for how to make this stand out at the moment. I wish you the best with your search for representation and with your work."
11/12/24 same day request for full
1/28/25 brief & polite rejection
"Thanks for sending this my way and for your patience. I like the writing and the sensibility but I just don’t have the vision for how to make this stand out at the moment. I wish you the best with your search for representation and with your work."
01/10/2025 07:36 PM
In case this is helpful:
Also, I'm closing out at 100 days - CNR. :(
Also, I'm closing out at 100 days - CNR. :(
09/29/2024 02:06 PM
6/26 email Q
6/26 full request! MS sent
8/19 sent nudge with updated manuscript / fast reply from Jenni to please send
9/9 brief form rej.
6/26 full request! MS sent
8/19 sent nudge with updated manuscript / fast reply from Jenni to please send
9/9 brief form rej.
Agent Interviews
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None found for this agent
Success Story Interviews
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None found for this agent
Profile History
- Last Update:
- 01/10/2024 - Changed agencies. Formerly with Union Literary.
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Nudge: 3/26/25
Commercial Fiction 84k words