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Ms. Philippa Milnes-Smith

The Soho Agency

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Philippa Milnes-Smith

The Soho Agency

16–17 Wardour Mews
London W1F 8AT
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Graphic Novel
Middle Grade
Picture Book
  • Picture Book, Author
  • Picture Book, Author/Illustrator
Young Adult


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Known Clients (current & past)
Philip Reeve
Chris Riddell
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
01/24/2025 07:47 PM
Email query sent - 01/25/2025

MG adventure, 36k
09/30/2024 11:53 PM
Hi has anyone submitted to Philippa personally after not hearing back from the generic children's YA/submissions email? I can't see anywhwere in the guidelines if you can try to submit to different agents when getting a CNR/Rejection from Soho or if a pass from one is a pass from all.
10/06/2021 09:59 PM
Specialist in children's books and media. Her work ranges from picture books, middle grade fiction and commercial series to ground-breaking illustrated books and innovative non-fiction. She is looking for new and diverse talent. Philippa is open to submissions and says: 'In fiction, I am always looking for new and different voices and for exciting storytelling in both words and pictures – and always searching for those children’s books that will be the classics of the future. In factual, I'd like to see work that is both ground-breaking in its perspectives as well as entertaining and accessible for a children's audience.'
05/01/2020 06:19 AM
Queried 11th December 2019; full request 13th December, sent 15th December 2019. Nudged on 1st May 2020 with offer of rep, received polite step-aside 15 minutes later.
12/15/2019 11:44 AM
LAW is now The Soho Agency (although queries sent to old email addresses still seem to reach their destination). See https://thesohoagency.co.uk.
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Profile History
Last Update:
01/23/2025 - Genres updated.
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