Ms. Katie Grimm

Curtis Brown, Ltd.

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Closed to Unsolicited Queries

Katie Grimm

Curtis Brown, Ltd.

New York, NY
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


  • Fantasy, Magical Realism
Literary Fiction
Middle Grade
  • Middle Grade, Contemporary
  • Middle Grade, Fantasy
  • Middle Grade, Historical
  • Middle Grade, Literary
  • Middle Grade, Mystery
Short Story Collections
Young Adult
  • Young Adult, Contemporary
  • Young Adult, Fantasy
  • Young Adult, Historical
  • Young Adult, Literary


Cultural/Social Issues
Pop Culture
Women's Issues
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Known Clients (current & past)
Rebecca Balcarcel
Jenn Barnes
Jennifer Croft
McKelle George
Jaime Green
Stacy Hackney
Annie Hartnett
Marissa Higgins
David Lomax
Kaela Noel
Nicole Panteleakos
Devon Sova
Karah Sutton
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
07/10/2024 05:25 PM
Profile Update: Changed agencies. Formerly with Don Congdon Associates. Closed to queries.
04/03/2024 04:06 AM
EQ (with engagement from #DVpit): Oct 25th, 2023
Full: Nov 20th, 2023 / Submitted: Mar 7th, 2024
ER: Apr 3rd, 2024

Full Request came with a kind note about her going on maternity leave early; she said if I'm still seeking representation in March, then I should submit my full to her.

Rejection was polite and detailed. Said she only read the first 50 pages. Disappointing she didn't give it more of a shot, but I appreciate the editorial feedback.

99k Literary

11/22/2023 11:08 AM
form rejection, 93 days.
Thank you for your query. I appreciate the opportunity to consider [YOUR AWFUL NOVEL] for possible representation, but I'm not the right agent for it. Of course this is only one response, and tastes vary widely among agents. I wish you the best of luck finding the right home for your work.
11/21/2023 11:02 AM
QM: 9-26-23
Form rejection: 11-21-23

92K Historical Fiction

11/16/2023 09:50 AM
QM 8/8/23
FR 11/16/23 (100 Days)
98K Queer YA Contemporary
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Profile History
Last Update:
07/10/2024 - Changed agencies. Formerly with Don Congdon Associates. Closed to queries.
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