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Mr. Howard Morhaim

Howard Morhaim Literary Agency

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Howard Morhaim

Howard Morhaim Literary Agency

30 Pierrepont Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Literary Fiction


Pop Culture
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04/21/2014 01:11 PM
New agents at Morhaim, according to agency website:
Paul Lamb

Paul Lamb is a graduate of DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana, and was a recipient of a POSSE Scholarship. Paul joins the agency after nearly a decade in Marketing at both Penguin and Random House, with various imprints. Owing to his professional experience in trade publishing, Paul has a strong sense of publishers’ needs, and a unique insight into the representation of authors.

His tastes lie strongly with nonfiction in a wide variety of genres and subjects, notably business, political science, sociology, memoir, travel writing, sports, pop culture, and music. He is also interested in crime, mystery, and literary fiction.

Maria Ribas

Maria Ribas graduated with English Honors from the University of Richmond. She began her editorial career at Atria at Simon and Schuster, then moved to Harlequin Nonfiction and Adams Media, where she was an associate editor before joining the agency. As a former editor, she has a keen sense of what editors are really looking for, and she has years of experience building relationships with authors. She has always specialized in practical nonfiction and has a firm grasp of how to assess an author's platform--and how to help authors build that platform.

She's interested in cookbooks, self-help, health, diet, home, parenting, and humor, all from authors with demonstrable platforms. She's also interested in narrative nonfiction and select memoir, but she's looking for a story that is absolutely unputdownable. She is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese and proficient in Italian and will be working with select foreign authors
10/30/2012 11:03 AM
Requeried Venom, though he's closed.
09/06/2012 12:50 PM
We cannot consider your ms without sample chapters. If you would like, please send the first three via email.



Alice Speilburg
Howard Morhaim Literary Agency, Inc.
30 Pierrepont St.
Brooklyn, NY 11201
p. 718-222-8400
07/06/2011 04:29 PM
6/22, I've queried him, although he's closed. He said he couldn't consider my ms unless I've included 3 sample chapters (even in email attachment.) So I sent him my sample chapters. No one commented here in over 2 years. Wow!

7/20: I've heard back from him. He said Venom wasn't right for the agency. Oh well. Will try him again in the fall.
Patrick (Admin)
10/26/2009 04:04 PM
Not accepting queries at this time. (thanks xolotl)
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