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Mr. Daniel Lazar

Writers House

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Daniel Lazar

Writers House

21 West 26th Street
New York, NY 10010
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Query Methods
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Graphic Novel
Literary Fiction
Middle Grade
Women's Fiction
Young Adult


Humor/Gift Book
Pop Culture
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Known Clients (current & past)
Mark Alpert
David Arnold
Tiffany Baker
Angela Balcita
Oscar Bennett
Max Brallier
Doug Brown
Pat Carlin
Deborah Carr
Joel Chasnoff
Cynthia Ellingsen
Anne Fortier
Michael Fry
Jeff Garigliano
Julie Halpert
Rachel Hartman
Anna Hays
Jeff Henigson
Denise Joyce
Martin Kihn
Ingrid Law
Steve Levingston
Chris Lincoln
Brian Malloy
Matt Mason
Shannon McKenna
Martin McKenna
Michelle Moran
Theo Pauline Nestor
Stephan Pastis
Joni Rendon
Matt Rothschild
Rachel Renee Russell
Chad Sell
Kim Smejkal
Candy Tan
Maya Van Wagenen
Nancy Watkins
Sarah Wendell
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
03/19/2025 11:49 AM
2/7 query
3/3 form rejection from assistant

108k fantasy romance
03/06/2025 04:54 AM
Query: Feb 7
Rejection: Mar 3
69K suspense/noir

Didn't "fit the list." Rejection came from Victoria Doherty-Munro, as happened to others. That probably reflects something about how the agency is structured.
03/04/2025 02:13 PM
Okay, this feels a bit weird. I first queried Victoria Doherty-Munro but never got a reply, so I marked that query as a CNR. Now I got a form rejection from that same agent/assistant on behalf of Dan Lazar.
03/04/2025 01:14 PM
Q: 2/18/25
R: 3/4/25 generic form letter from assistant
Memoir: 88K
The querying process is brutal, and discouraging. There has to be a better way!

Dear [name,]

Thank you for your query. Dan Lazar asked me to reply after he evaluated your submission.

We’re afraid your project does not seem right for our list, but thank you for thinking of Dan, and best of luck in your search for representation.


Torie Doherty Munro

Assistant to Dan Lazar
01/09/2025 11:37 AM
A nice response, but was, sadly, a rejection from his assistant. Arrived 5 days after quiery.

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