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Ms. Amy Jameson

A + B Works

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Amy Jameson

A + B Works

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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Middle Grade
Young Adult


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Known Clients (current & past)
Jessica Day George
Shannon Hale
Jennifer Jenkins
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
07/10/2024 01:21 PM
Q: 7/10/2024 - 65K YA Fantasy
01/11/2024 06:31 PM
EQ - 6th October 2023 (query letter only)
Partial Request - 22nd December 2023 (sent the next day)
Response time - 77 days

I am very surprised with their request, as I was fully expecting a CNR and I forgot I submitted to them.

Dear [Slushpile_Writer]:

Thank you for your submission. We are interested in seeing more of your manuscript, [Title]. Please reply to this email with the first 50 pages of your manuscript attached as a Word document for further review. Please note that this is not an offer of representation. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


01/05/2024 01:54 PM
They have a pretty open-ended process. I didn't really know what to do, so I sent a query letter followed by the first three pages, then the synopsis. I figure she can stop reading wherever she wants. Probably after the first line. I'm merely collecting enough rejections to justify self-publication at this point.
12/19/2023 11:08 PM
Same as below. Sci-fi epic 150k submission rejected.

Thank you for your submission, but unfortunately we cannot offer representation at this time. We are a small agency and to ensure the best possible experience for each of our authors, we accept very few new clients.

Best wishes.

My response: Thank you for your response. Is there any feedback that you can share with me?


Their reply: I'd recommend cutting down on your word count. Do as much research as possible when it comes to the process of writing, querying, etc. And again, best of luck

Yeah, I am gonna take this with a grain of salt. Clearly asking for feedback on a vague rejection didn’t help here.
11/02/2023 07:10 AM
Submitted MG novel pitch by email 17th August 2023
Form rejection received 31st October 2023

Thank you for your submission, but unfortunately we cannot offer representation at this time. We are a small agency and to ensure the best possible experience for each of our authors, we accept very few new clients.

Best wishes."

Fair enough. Honest, and to the point. Duly noted.
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