Ms. BJ Robbins
BJ Robbins Literary Agency
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BJ Robbins
BJ Robbins Literary Agency
5130 Bellaire Avenue
North Hollywood, CA 91607
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Query Methods
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This agent is seeking the following genres:
Literary Fiction
Pop Culture
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Known Clients (current & past)
Laura Catherine Brown
Max Byrd
Ll Cool-J
Dave Davies
James Donovan
Chris Erskine
Craig Ferguson
Stephen Graham Jones
Nafisa Haji
Carol Ann Harris
John Hough, Jr.
James D. Houston
Roger Love
Tim Madigan
Lisa Masterson
J.A. Mills
Pamela Nagami
Sal Polisi
Eduardo Santiago
Deanne Stillman
Renee Swindle
Katherine Tarbox
J. Maarten Troost
Mary Volmer
Mel Watkins
Wendy Werris
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
03/18/2025 04:29 PM
Sent Email 3/18/25.
Auto response saying they received my email and will only be replying to people they planned on pursuing projects with.
Auto response saying they received my email and will only be replying to people they planned on pursuing projects with.
Profile Update
Patrick (Admin)
02/25/2025 05:31 PM
Profile Update: Genres updated.
02/10/2025 04:28 PM
Query sent on 2/10/25
86,000 words Mystery/Humor/LGBTQ+
86,000 words Mystery/Humor/LGBTQ+
01/23/2025 12:13 PM
Q: 1/23/25 YA fantasy 63k words
Agent Interviews
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Success Story Interviews
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None found for this agent
Profile History
- Last Update:
- 02/25/2025 - Genres updated.
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Queried (email): 1/20/2025
CNR: 3/20/2025 (60 days)