Ms. Victoria Sanders
Victoria Sanders & Associates
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
Victoria Sanders
Victoria Sanders & Associates
440 Buck Road
Stone Ridge, NY 12484
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
This agent is seeking the following genres:
Chick Lit
Graphic Novel
Literary Fiction
Women's Fiction
Humor/Gift Book
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Known Clients (current & past)
Robb Armstrong
Claire Bedard
Cecelie Berry
Bertice Berry
Carol Bolt
Connie Briscoe
Elaine Brown
Cris Burks
Angela Burt-Murray
Elizabeth Pendergast Carlisle
Daniel Chacon
Jeff Chang
Nick Chiles
Michael Cunningham
Ellen Delara
Martin Dixon
Carol Dovi
Richard Dry
Amy Einhorn
Meg Files
James Garbarino
James Garbarino
Ardella Garland
Marilyn Hughes Gaston
Karen Good
Kim Green
Monique Greenwood
Juliette Harris Bowles
Amy Hatvany
Michael Hetzer
Zora Neale Hurston
Lucy Hurston
Norma Jarrett
Yolanda Joe
Pamela Johnson
Solomon Jones
Caledonia Kearns
Marjorie Kemper
Slim Lambright
Maria Lennon
Vanessa Lillie
Craig Marberry
Mitzi Miller
Denene Millner
Christoper Moore
Stephanie Stokes Oliver
Joan Opyr
Sarah Pekkanen
Gayle K. Porter
Nancy Rawles
Jean Redmann
Carl Hancock Rux
Karin Slaughter
Jill Watts
John Welter
Amanda Kyle Williams
Amy Yurk
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
Profile Update
Patrick (Admin)
04/03/2024 04:09 PM
Profile Update: Closed to queries.
Thanks lcr123 & 1edpsf1
04/03/2024 09:29 AM
@Patrick: Website states that agency is "not accepting unsolicited submissions at this time."
04/03/2024 09:23 AM
@Patrick, the site says: Victoria Sanders & Associates is not accepting unsolicited submissions at this time. We wish you all the best in your literary endeavors.
03/28/2024 04:13 PM
Form rejection after one day. I appreciate the prompt response. At least they didn't keep me waiting!
"Thank you for considering Victoria Sanders & Associates as a potential agency to represent your work. We have reviewed the material you sent and we regret that we will not be offering to review your work further at this time. Please know that we are very selective with the materials that we request. We encourage you to keep writing and we wish you every success. Please forgive this impersonal note. We receive a tremendous number of queries and are forced to focus our attention on a limited number of projects."
"Thank you for considering Victoria Sanders & Associates as a potential agency to represent your work. We have reviewed the material you sent and we regret that we will not be offering to review your work further at this time. Please know that we are very selective with the materials that we request. We encourage you to keep writing and we wish you every success. Please forgive this impersonal note. We receive a tremendous number of queries and are forced to focus our attention on a limited number of projects."
02/08/2024 05:16 PM
EQ: 2/8/24
FR: 2/8/24
81k Thriller
FR: 2/8/24
81k Thriller
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Profile History
- Last Update:
- 04/03/2024 - Closed to queries.
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