Ms. Susan Hawk
Upstart Crow Literary
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
Susan Hawk
Upstart Crow Literary
New York, NY
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This agent is seeking the following genres:
Graphic Novel
Middle Grade
Picture Book
• Picture Book, Author
• Picture Book, Author/Illustrator
• Picture Book, Illustrator
Young Adult
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Known Clients (current & past)
Paul Acampora
Rachael Allen
Denis Angelov
Christopher Baldwin
Felicia Chernesky
Marcie Colleen
Rachel Elliott
Amy Farrier
Elisa Gall
Kate Goodwin
Beth Hamer Miles
Austin Henderson
Julie Israel
Daphne Kalmar
Autumn Krause
Sarah Lariviere
Jonathan Lopes
Dana Middleton
Jmm Nuanez
Alison Oliver
Carrie Pomeroy
Angie Smibert
Linda Smith
Sue Soltis
Ruth Spiro
Jen Swann Downey
Sarah Tolcser
Shelley Tougas
Lisa Tyre
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
03/17/2025 10:41 AM
EQ: 3/7/2025
FR: 3/17/2025
Picture Book (740 words)
Thank you for sharing your book with me, I’m grateful for the opportunity. I’ve had a chance to read and unfortunately, have decided to respectfully pass. I send this with recognition of the accomplishment that is writing a book and querying it, no small feat. Keep writing and querying—that’s the best way to find an agent.
With appreciation and good wishes, Susan
FR: 3/17/2025
Picture Book (740 words)
Thank you for sharing your book with me, I’m grateful for the opportunity. I’ve had a chance to read and unfortunately, have decided to respectfully pass. I send this with recognition of the accomplishment that is writing a book and querying it, no small feat. Keep writing and querying—that’s the best way to find an agent.
With appreciation and good wishes, Susan
Profile Update
Patrick (Admin)
03/10/2025 10:58 AM
Profile Update: Closed to queries.
03/05/2025 11:41 AM
Query Sent: 3/3
Form Rejection: 3/5
Kind and encouraging
Form Rejection: 3/5
Kind and encouraging
Profile Update
Patrick (Admin)
03/03/2025 01:13 PM
Profile Update: Open to queries.
Agent Interviews
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Profile History
- Last Update:
- 03/10/2025 - Closed to queries.
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Nudge w/ offer: 03/19/2025
Full request: 03/20/2025
YA Horror, 63k