Ms. Laetitia Rutherford

Watson, Little Ltd

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Laetitia Rutherford

Watson, Little Ltd

Suite 315, ScreenWorks 22 Highbury Grove
London N5 2ER
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Literary Fiction


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Known Clients (current & past)
Lucy Ayrton
Petrina Banfield
Angie Beasley
Jenny Blackhurst
Ruth Brooks
Andrew Brown
Clare Brown
Emile Chabal
Ajay Chowdhury
Cynthia Clark
Michaela Clarke
Vivianne Crowley
Josie Curran
Jeremy Daldry
Eilis Dillon
Rebecca Elliott
Christine Evans
Robin Harvie
JM Hewitt
Katrina Hodge
V.M. Jones
Samson Kambalu
Rosie Lewis
Holan Liang
Margaret Mahy
Chrissie Manby
Alex Marwood
Hiba Noor Khan
Tamsin Omond
Lawrence Potter
Matt Rendell
Julia Romp
Anika Scott
Shane Spall
Akemi Tanaka
Geeta Vara
Vincent Vincent
Evie Wyld
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
05/24/2024 05:00 AM
EQ: 18th April
Form Rejection: 24th May

Thank you for sending in your material to us. We have read and considered your proposal carefully but do not feel it is something we are able to take on and represent at this time. Please bear in mind that this is the opinion of one agency alone and that others may feel differently. We are extremely sorry to disappoint you but we wish you the very best of luck with your future writing
04/10/2024 08:01 AM
95k literary fiction
EQ: 09/04
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
01/18/2024 03:39 PM
Profile Update: Open to queries.
01/11/2024 05:52 AM
Accessible literary fiction 76k

Email query: 27/11/2023
Nudged with full manuscript request: 07/12/2023
Form rejection: 11/01/2024
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
12/20/2023 03:28 PM
Profile Update: Closed to queries.
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Profile History
Last Update:
01/18/2024 - Open to queries.
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