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Mr. Scott Waxman

Waxman Literary Agency

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Scott Waxman

Waxman Literary Agency

443 Park Ave South, #1004
New York, NY 10016
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This agent is seeking the following genres:




True Adventure/Crime
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Known Clients (current & past)
Peter Alliss
Lars Anderson
William Ash
Teddy Atlas
Aj Baime
Neal Bascomb
Pete Bodo
Ken Brower
Matthew Brzezinski
Larry Burke
Jackie Burke
Mark Burnett
Rene Chun
Benjamin Cohen
Kevin Cook
Alice Cooper
John Daly
Jorgen Demey
Matt Dobkin
Melanie Dunea
John Eisenberg
Mark Fainaru-Wada
Brendan Foley
Steve Garvey
Daniel Glick
Timothy Greenfield-Sanders
Nick Hacking
Tony Hall
Hank Haney
Stephanie Harrison
Rick Hill
Peter Hoffer
Gilbert King
Buddy Levy
Noah Liberman
Rab Macwilliams
Matt Marinovich
Tony Massarotti
Tucker Max
Jack McCallum
Jim McLean
Johnny Miller
David Ortiz
George Peper
Donald T. Phillips
Michael Prince
Mickey Rapkin
Tom Reynolds
Frank Kelly Rich
Cal Ripken
Bill Ripken
Pete Rose
Matthew Rudy
Curt Sampson
Jeremy Schaap
Mike Schmidt
Rob Shuck
Roger Alan Skipper
Jay Spenser
Ed Strosser
Joe Sutter
Stephan Talty
Gary Thomas
Kerry Trask
David Tripp
Sophie Uliano
Stan Utley
Glen Waggoner
L. Jon Wertheim
Lance Williams
Guy Yocom
Keith Zimmerman
Kent Zimmerman
Dave Zirin
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
05/28/2021 12:29 PM
Profile Update: Closed to queries. Thanks MissPlum
05/28/2021 12:15 PM
Per the website, "Scott is currently closed to queries."
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
01/08/2019 09:02 AM
Profile Update: Open to queries.
07/19/2018 09:12 AM
EQ to assistant Ashley: 6/26
FR: 7/16
12/10/2017 02:36 AM
EQ: 29th of August 2017

103 days later, no response

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Profile History
Last Update:
05/28/2021 - Closed to queries.
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