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Mr. Stephen Barr

Writers House

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Stephen Barr

Writers House

21 West 26th Street
New York, NY 10010
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


General Fiction
Graphic Novel
Literary Fiction
Middle Grade
Picture Book
  • Picture Book, Author/Illustrator
Young Adult
  • Young Adult, Contemporary


Pop Culture
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Known Clients (current & past)
Rilla Alexander
Bethany Barton
Sam Brown
Mariachiara Di Giorgio
Jared Dillian
Adele Enersen
Deborah Freedman
Chuck Groenink
Thyra Heder
Emily Hughes
Shelley Johannes
David Macaulay
Christopher Neal
Amanda Padoan
Katherine Roy
Charles Santoso
Kevin Seccia
Brooke Shields
Nate Staniforth
Gideon Sterer
Jaime Temairik
Maggie Thrash
Andrea Tsurumi
Anna Walker
John Corey Whaley
F.C. Yee
Jaime Zollars
Peter Zuckerman
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
03/06/2025 12:51 PM
EQ: 18 Feb 25
FR: 06 Mar 25
Children's Picture Book — 740 words

[Response from Stephen's assistant]:

Thank you so much for giving us a chance to look at your project.

I’ve reviewed your submission with Stephen and I’m sorry to report that we just aren’t wholeheartedly connecting with your work, despite its many charms. So, we should step aside. We truly appreciate the look, though, and hope you find someone who is passionate about your project and confident in their ability to position it. We wish you nothing but the best of luck.
02/04/2025 11:57 AM
EQ: 23 Jan 25
FR: 04 Feb 25

Like everyone else, they passed on it "Despite it's many charms", so who knows what they actually think. At least they responded, which is more than many do, so I thank them for that.

01/24/2025 11:39 AM
Q: 01/04
Kind form rejection: 01/24
01/17/2025 05:16 PM
Query: 12/17/24
Form Rejection: 1/17/25
Literary Speculative Fiction/YA Crossover

Thank you so much for giving us a chance to look at your project.

I’ve reviewed your submission with Stephen and I’m sorry to report that we just aren’t wholeheartedly connecting with your work, despite its many charms. So, we should step aside. We truly appreciate the look, though, and hope you find someone who is passionate about your project and confident in their ability to position it. We wish you nothing but the best of luck.


12/19/2024 10:00 AM
Queried 12/1/24 Children's chapter book 14000
FR from assistant Erica 12/19/2024

It was a nice form rejection, but it's a shame, this was back from my first day querying.
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