Ms. Jill Grosjean
Jill Grosjean Literary Agency
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Jill Grosjean
Jill Grosjean Literary Agency
1390 Millstone Road
Sag Harbor, NY 11963
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Query Methods
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Postal Mail
This agent is seeking the following genres:
Literary Fiction
Women's Fiction
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Known Clients (current & past)
Marie Bostwick
Tony Broadbent
Felicia Donovan
David C. Fickett
David Fickett
Greg Garrett
Marie Giordano
Don Locke
Tim Maleeny
Bernadette Pajer
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
09/05/2022 07:52 PM
08/05/2021 04:18 PM
Ms. Grosjean is what is known as a "schmagent." She doesn't use contracts, and she doesn't revise or advise. She "represented" my last novel for a year, just sat on it, and I finally decided to seek other representation. She sent me a verbally abusive email when I let her go. I wouldn't normally trash someone like this, but she is not a real agent. She will talk to you for two hours about her dogs and her doctor husband and her sightings of Billy Joel near her house in Long Island. She seems to enjoy being an agent, but not in doing any work. She even had ME print her the MS and FedEx it to her. Twice--she "never received" the first one. Should've known right then she was wasting my time. A very unpleasant narcissist. Avoid.
11/28/2020 12:55 PM
adult comm fantasy, mag realism, female-driven, 88k 11/28/20
07/04/2020 09:13 AM
EQ 2/19/20 (2nd/final requery Venom-adult thriller)
ER 5/20/20 (nasty rejection--told me not to query her again since she won't respond to my emails and not a good fit for my work-she's permanently off my list now)
ER 5/20/20 (nasty rejection--told me not to query her again since she won't respond to my emails and not a good fit for my work-she's permanently off my list now)
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Rejection: Thank you for your query. As interesting as your novel sounds I don’t believe I would be the best agent to represent your work. Best of luck to you though and thank you for thinking of me.