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Mr. Douglas Stewart

Sterling Lord Literistic

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Douglas Stewart

Sterling Lord Literistic

115 Broadway, Suite 1602
New York, NY 10006
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Literary Fiction
Middle Grade
Women's Fiction
Young Adult


Pop Culture
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Known Clients (current & past)
Jami Attenberg
Jeanine Cummins
Rye Curtis
Jacky Davis
Karen Dukess
James Hannaham
Graham Joyce
Jack Kerouac
Rebecca Lee
Colin McAdam
Alison McGhee
David Mitchell
Jane O'Connor
Carolyn Parkhurst
Matthew Quick
Dana Reinhardt
Jason Rekulak
David Soman
Jim Thompson
Tom Watson
Kurt Wenzel
Gabrielle Zevin
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
11/16/2024 03:32 PM
Queried 11/16/24

Horror 88k
09/12/2024 01:41 PM
I went to their online submission form and after noting that Doug Stewart did not state any interest in children's literature, I began researching the other agents at Sterling Lord Literistic, I felt it was best to query Sarah Landis as I am submitting middle grade fiction.
06/16/2024 06:06 PM
Regarding submitting to more that one agent there, this is what their web site says about it. You'll see this as part of the directions for filling out their online submission form:

"Please choose only one SLL agent to query. If we feel your submission is a better fit for one of our colleagues, we will happily share it with them. You can find more information about us and what we are looking for at www.sll.com/ourteam "
Regarding acknowledgement of your submission:
After you fill out the form and click on SUBMIT, you get a new screen that says:

"Sterling Lord Literistic, Inc. is highly selective in offering representation to writers. We receive an extraordinarily large number of unsolicited submissions and can only seriously consider those with merit. Please submit to us via email by completing the form below. We regret that due to the volume of submissions we receive, we can only respond to queries if we are interested in seeing more material.
Please note that we do not represent screenplays. Thank you!"
Unlike a QueryManager Form submission, you don't get any screen showing what you filled in. So far, I haven't gotten an email showing that or providing a link to check on the status of my submission as I would have gotten after filling out a QueryManager form. I assume I won't receive any such email from this agency.

03/29/2024 01:39 PM
Jami Attenberg agent
03/13/2024 05:40 PM
wowza19, I suggest you politely nudge, and if you get a rejection, ask if you can submit to another agent at the agency. I received a rejection today from a different agency, and the response stated "*we* [my emphasis] are not wholeheartedly connecting with your work...so *we* should step aside." The general understanding of use of the pronoun "we" in a rejection letter is that the entire agency - not just the agent - is rejecting the work and you shouldn't resubmit to another agent at the agency. HOWEVER, I took the chance to reply and ask if this was truly the case. The agent's assistant replied immediately, saying I was "very welcome to try another agent" at the agency. Please note, this was not Sterling Lord Literistic I had this exchange with; their protocol might be different. But my point is it never hurts to politely ask. The worst that can happen is you'll be rejected, which is a self-fulfilling prophesy if you just give up. Good luck!

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- New postal address.
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