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Ms. Joyce Hart

Hartline Literary Agency

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Joyce Hart

Hartline Literary Agency

123 Queenston Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15235
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Women's Fiction


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Known Clients (current & past)
Angela E. Arndt
Derinda Babcock
Brandon Barr
Christy Barritt
Lorraine Beatty
Molly Noble Bull
Terry Burns
Margaret Byers
Kristy L. Cambron
Michael Carl
Dorothy Clark
David Clarke
Ace Collins
Dawn Crandall
Dianna Crawford
Lena Nelson Dooley
Birdie Etchison
Steve Feazel
Suzanne Woods Fisher
Suzanne Fisher
James Fletcher
Howard L. Foltz
Ruth Ford
Nicola Furlong
David Gray
Anne Greene
Pamela Griffin
Eleanor Gustafson
Ann Guyer
Lisa Harris
Sandra M. Hart
J. M. Hochstetler
Thom Hunter
Larry Huntsberger
Clarice James
Rebecca Jepson
Melanie M. Jeschke
Mary Johnson
Mary Ann Kinsinger
Jane Kirkpatrick
April Knight
Sally Laity
Michael Lynch
Zoe McCarthy
Rebekah Montgomery
Pola Marie Muzyka
Darrel Nelson
Melissa Ohden
Carrie Fancett Pagels
Sam D. Pakan
Rajendra Pillai
Susan J. Reinhardt
John Riddle
Tina Roberts
Janet Rockey
Beverly Rodgers
Tom Rodgers
Sandi Rog
Rhonda Schrock
Rita A. Schulte
Stacie Ruth Stoelting
Ward Tanneberg
Diana Taylor
Janet Teitsort
Marilyn Turk
Margorie Vawter
Karen Anna Vogel
Nancy Welch
Jacqueline Wheelock
Nancy Willich
Jay Winchester
Linda Winn
Courtney Young
Gil Zanni
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
07/16/2021 09:04 AM
Profile Update: Closed to queries.
02/09/2021 03:24 PM
EQ: 2/8/21
10/27/2020 07:18 PM
DO NOT SUBMIT TO AGENCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After sending them a proposal I worked on for 2 hours (not worth it, trust me), they rejected it within an hour.
Claim #1 - I had no social media links ANYWHERE when they were in the signature of the query letter email.
Claim #2 - Very uninteresting.
Very cruel & rude, I found. A literary agent should be looking over your proposal, taken proper time that is needed in order to do so, and reading over your chapters instead of rejecting just by one quick look. He even said that he's "getting away from the Christian genre because it doesn't sell as much anymore" where, on the bio of the Hartline website, it actually says otherwise.
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
05/04/2020 07:48 PM
Profile Update: Open to queries.
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
07/28/2019 03:09 PM
Profile Update: Closed to queries.
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Profile History
Last Update:
07/16/2021 - Closed to queries.
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