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Ms. Tamela Hancock Murray

The Steve Laube Agency

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Tamela Hancock Murray

The Steve Laube Agency

24 W. Camelback Rd. A-635
Phoenix, AZ 85013
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This agent is seeking the following genres:




General Non-Fiction
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Known Clients (current & past)
Johnnie Alexander
Mesu Andrews
Renee Andrews
Janet Lee Barton
Lynn Blackburn
Lauralee Bliss
Irene Brand
Diana Brandmeyer
Lisa Carter
Connilyn Cossette
Daniel Darling
Joanna Davidson Politano
Angie Dicken
Laurie Alice Eakes
Lynette Eason
Miralee Ferrell
Darlene Franklin
Kathleen Fuller
Rhonda Gibson
Sherry Gore
Lisa Jones Baker
Kathi Macias
Debby Mayne
Carolyn Miller
Shirley Perich
Trish Perry
Michelle Sutton
Kim Vogel Sawyer
Kimberley Woodhouse
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
02/23/2025 07:15 AM
Submitted Christian Hist. Fiction 6/15/24
They asked for a more detailed proposal 6/17 (I did not format mine correctly, according to their specifications the first time)
Sent back the same day.
An update that they were still reviewing 7/10
An update saying they liked my writing and were unsure of external stakes 8/16
A request for a longer synopsis 8/19
Nudged 10/17
Reply back (all from the assistant who has been so nice and patient with me!) a few days later with an update.
I edited my status to partial/proposal request, but 'proposal request' is a better update.
2/20/25 After a few emails, I was asked for a full request of my manuscript.

12/01/2024 11:46 PM
Agent (and the agency in general) is looking for Christian Romance and other genres in the Christian market.
02/09/2024 08:37 AM
Received an encouraging personalized rejection from her assistant at the 20 day mark letting me know my manuscript was shorter that they'd like to be considered for the genre.
11/09/2023 01:03 PM
EQ 10/19
Decline 11/9

"Thank you for your submission. While your work has merit, the project isn't quite a fit for us. We decline with the greatest respect. We appreciate you thinking of us and wish you every success." From her assistant.
06/18/2021 08:09 AM
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