Ms. Pam Pho

Steven Literary

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Pam Pho

Steven Literary

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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Middle Grade
  • Middle Grade, Contemporary
  • Middle Grade, Fantasy
  • Middle Grade, Historical
  • Middle Grade, Horror
  • Middle Grade, Literary
  • Middle Grade, Mystery
  • Middle Grade, Science Fiction
Picture Book
  • Romance, Category
  • Romance, Contemporary
  • Romance, Historical
  • Romance, Paranormal
Young Adult
  • Young Adult, Contemporary
  • Young Adult, Fantasy
  • Young Adult, Paranormal
  • Young Adult, Paranormal Romance
  • Young Adult, Romance


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Known Clients (current & past)
Alexandra Adornetto
Vivi Barnes
Naomi Canale
Lorenda Christensen
Nick Courage
Sarah Eden
Jaimie M. Engle
Dan Gemeinhart
Dustin Hansen
Kim Harnes
Rachel Harris
Heather Heistand
Jeffe Kennedy
Richard Lipman
Kari Olson
Danielle Smith
Lauren Smith
Rhonda Stapleton
Kristen Strassel
Cecily White
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
04/22/2024 11:29 AM
YA LGBT Historical, 91k words

Full Request via Twitter - 4/21
03/12/2024 11:48 AM
78k YA Contemporary Fantasy
QM 11/7/2023
Form rejection 1/11/2024

"I'm sorry, but TITLE does not sound like a fit for me at this time. Thank you for considering me and best of luck with your future queries. I hope you will share new works with me."
03/07/2024 01:59 PM
QM: Adult paranormal romantasy (faerie tale retelling) 110k
FR: Fastest yet! Less than four hours.

Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
03/07/2024 11:52 AM
Profile Update: Closed to queries.
03/06/2024 12:07 PM
upper mg horror

Q 2-28-24
X 3-5-24
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Profile History
Last Update:
03/07/2024 - Closed to queries.
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