Ms. Caryn Wiseman
Andrea Brown Literary Agency
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Caryn Wiseman
Andrea Brown Literary Agency
- Website:
- Twitter (X):
- @CarynWiseman
- AALA Member:
- Yes (Visit Site)
Query Methods
Accepts queries via...
This agent is seeking the following genres:
Middle Grade
• Middle Grade, Contemporary
• Middle Grade, Historical
• Middle Grade, Literary
• Middle Grade, Mystery
Picture Book
• Picture Book, Illustrator
Young Adult
• Young Adult, Contemporary
• Young Adult, Historical
• Young Adult, Literary
• Young Adult, Mystery
• Young Adult, Romance
• Young Adult, Thriller/Suspense
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Known Clients (current & past)
Sarah Albee
Tom Angleberger
Cece Bell
Jennifer Berne
Lynnor Bontigao
Nate Evans
Dee Garretson
Kristin L. Gray
Marie Hermansson
Joanna Ho
Tamara Ireland Stone
David Kelly
Colleen Kong-Savage
Debbie Levy
Tim McCanna
Amjed Qamar
Riley Redgate
Merriam Saunders
Kelly Starling
Don Tate
Pamela S. Turner
Thu Vu
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
12/17/2024 11:13 AM
Prompt, polite, and positive. THANK YOU
12/17/2024 09:47 AM
QM: 12/05/2024
FR: 12/17/2024
That came quickly, with a link for the second chance inbox.
FR: 12/17/2024
That came quickly, with a link for the second chance inbox.
11/09/2024 10:51 AM
QM: 5/11/24
rejection: 5/11/24
prompt rejection including a link for the Second Chance Inbox
rejection: 5/11/24
prompt rejection including a link for the Second Chance Inbox
10/25/2024 11:19 AM
QM: 8/24/24
Full Request: 10/21/24
Sent: 10/21/24
MG Contemporary, 58k
Full Request: 10/21/24
Sent: 10/21/24
MG Contemporary, 58k
10/09/2024 08:59 AM
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read your work. TITLE has much to offer, and I appreciate the look. Unfortunately, it's not right for my list at this time, so I will have to pass. While this is a pass from me, another agent at ABLA may well feel differently. If you'd like to give the whole agency an opportunity to consider your work, we invite you to send a query to our shared Second Chance Inbox. Every ABLA agent has access to this inbox and will look through it regularly to discover new material! [{ABLA's Second Chance Inbox}]
I wish you every success with your future queries.
I wish you every success with your future queries.
Agent Interviews
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Success Story Interviews
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Profile History
- Last Update:
- 05/30/2024 - Open to queries.
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