Ms. Rachel Ekstrom Courage
Courage Literary
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
Rachel Ekstrom Courage
Courage Literary
New York, NY
- Website:
- Twitter (X):
- @EkstromRachel
- AALA Member:
- No
Query Methods
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
This agent is seeking the following genres:
Women's Fiction
Young Adult
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Known Clients (current & past)
Jeff Garvin
Sarah Henning
Amy Reichert
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
08/21/2024 04:25 PM
submitted to a former colleage of her's, who forwarded full ms. to Eckstrom Courage. Who never responded...
11/02/2023 12:45 AM
Open to specific nonfiction queries. See website for details
Profile Update
Patrick (Admin)
09/13/2022 08:51 PM
Profile Update: Started her own agency. Formerly with Folio Literary.
Profile Update
Patrick (Admin)
09/02/2022 09:59 AM
Profile Update: No longer listed on the agency website.
07/21/2022 10:17 PM
EQ: 2/12/2021
Historical Fiction 115K
CNR 3/28/2021
FWIW, I did get the auto-reply that she got it when I sent it:
Thanks for querying me!
I am still reading and responding to queries during this unusual time. We all need good books right now. However, things may take a bit longer for a while.
This is an auto-reply to let you know I’ve received your email and I’ll review your query as soon as I’m able.
I would very much like to be able to respond to every query, but unfortunately time doesn’t allow for it. If you haven’t heard back from me within eight weeks, I'm sorry to say I've decided I'm not the ideal match for your project. Thank you again for the opportunity to consider your work.
Unless I’ve requested material from you, I won’t look at attachments or click on links, so if you’ve done that, please re-send with all relevant information in the body of your email: your query letter and the first 20 pages of your project.
Historical Fiction 115K
CNR 3/28/2021
FWIW, I did get the auto-reply that she got it when I sent it:
Thanks for querying me!
I am still reading and responding to queries during this unusual time. We all need good books right now. However, things may take a bit longer for a while.
This is an auto-reply to let you know I’ve received your email and I’ll review your query as soon as I’m able.
I would very much like to be able to respond to every query, but unfortunately time doesn’t allow for it. If you haven’t heard back from me within eight weeks, I'm sorry to say I've decided I'm not the ideal match for your project. Thank you again for the opportunity to consider your work.
Unless I’ve requested material from you, I won’t look at attachments or click on links, so if you’ve done that, please re-send with all relevant information in the body of your email: your query letter and the first 20 pages of your project.
Agent Interviews
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Success Story Interviews
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None found for this agent
Profile History
- Last Update:
- 09/13/2022 - Started her own agency. Formerly with Folio Literary.
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Before contacting an agent, authors should verify and assess the agent's requirements and suitability by visiting the agent's website(s), and becoming familiar with ways to spot and avoid bad agents. A good place to start is Writers Beware, a watch group that helps inform and protect authors from shady practices.