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Ms. Jennifer De Chiara

Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency

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Jennifer De Chiara

Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency

245 Park Avenue, 39th Floor
New York, NY 10167
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Chick Lit
Literary Fiction
Middle Grade
Picture Book
Short Story Collections
Women's Fiction
Young Adult


Current Affairs/Politics
How To
Humor/Gift Book
Pop Culture
Women's Issues
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Known Clients (current & past)
Frederick Alimonti
M. Apostolina
Jennifer Hamburg
Brent Hartinger
Richard Mintzer
Cathie Pelletier
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
11/27/2024 07:56 PM
Q 11/27/24 via email
97,471-word adult fantasy novel

After additional research, moved to my do not query list
11/26/2024 02:20 PM
I left this agent after a few years. Though she's been at this for a while, you wouldn't know it by her erratic, unprofessional behavior. It was almost like she was inexperienced. Though she got me a publisher, let's just say that I wish another agent had. Don't say you weren't warned.

10/12/2023 04:55 PM
I used to work for this agency, as an unpaid assistant to the president of the agency. The president's behavior is wildly unprofessional, as evidenced by the mass exodus of former literary agents who used to work here; the unpaid former assistants who have all, without exception, moved on; and the exodus of authors who have terminated their working relationships with this agency.

Please do not query this agency if you are at all serious about your career as an author. Please treat your career as an author with the serious potential it deserves. Jennifer, please seek help, and please do not harass your employees *ever*, but particularly on all-company meetings, as you loved doing so much.
08/03/2023 08:31 AM
Query: 5/31/23
Notification of Offer of Pub: 8/2/23
Patrick (Admin)
07/30/2023 09:05 PM
@teddyet, where do you see that?
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Profile History
Last Update:
10/27/2019 - Genres updated.
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