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Ms. Erica Rand Silverman

Stimola Literary Studio

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Erica Rand Silverman

Stimola Literary Studio

West Tisbury, MA
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Graphic Novel
Middle Grade
Picture Book
  • Picture Book, Author/Illustrator


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Known Clients (current & past)
Jashar Awan
Mariah Bruehl
Celeste Conway
Derek Desierto
Joyce Hesselberth
C.J. Hill
Erica Kahn Gale
Lesley Koplow
Shanda McCloskey
Peter Spier
K-Fai Steele
Lala Watkins
Allison Wortche
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
10/17/2024 11:38 PM
42k MG Contemporary

Email Query: 10/17/24
08/28/2024 03:49 PM
I submitted a PB query to this agent in 2021. The website said there was a problem with the submission and I submitted it again. I also found out an author on her list published a PB with the same main character, general plot, and illustration concepts as my book, sometime after my submission. :(

05/11/2023 01:51 PM
EQ: 5/11/23
MG Historical Fiction, 60k
02/09/2023 12:43 PM
she prefers author/illustrators but doesn't say she won't accept
11/28/2022 03:50 PM
From agency website:
I am most interested in author-illustrator picture books, early readers, chapter books, heavily illustrated middle grade and interesting novelty formats. I am looking for a diverse array of voices, perspectives and styles and respond well to zany with heart, a celebration of the wonder of life and complex characters that explore our inner lives. More specifically, I am looking for:

projects that focus on Jewish culture and the modern inclusive experience of being Jewish

author-illustrators who take a creative approach to book making

stories that explore cultural practices and beliefs as well as lived experiences of people from diverse backgrounds

BIPOC and LGBTQ+ book makers

clever, interactive and tactile novelty formats

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Profile History
Last Update:
03/05/2021 - Open to queries.
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