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Ms. Marly Rusoff

Marly Rusoff & Associates

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Closed to Unsolicited Queries

Marly Rusoff

Marly Rusoff & Associates

PO Box 524
Bronxville, NY 10708
AALA Member:
Query Methods
Accepts queries via...
Postal Mail
Closed to Unsolicited Queries
This agent is seeking the following genres:


Literary Fiction


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Known Clients (current & past)
Terrence Cheng
Meg Waite Clayton
Lynda Cohen
Pat Conroy
Judith Guest
Judith Healey
Cassandra King
Mary Lou Kirwin
Erika Mailman
Kimberly McCreight
Jonathan Odell
Arthur Phillips
Ron Rash
Beverly Swerling
Lisa Tucker
Meg Waite Clayton
Author Comments
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Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
03/16/2014 02:38 PM
Profile Update: Closed to queries. (Thanks heathwriter)
03/12/2014 04:22 PM
Looks like they are currently closed to submissions.
11/12/2013 07:25 AM
Open to snail mail queries.
09/27/2013 04:10 PM
Patrick -- she is closed to queries (I think the whole agency is)
04/08/2013 04:14 PM
Last week I sent Marly a snail mail follow up, since her email address didn't work. Today I've heard back. She's still closed to queries. So I take it as a no for my requery for Venom.
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