Ms. Gemma Cooper

The Bent Agency

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Gemma Cooper

The Bent Agency

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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
This agent is seeking the following genres:


Graphic Novel
Middle Grade
Young Adult
  • Young Adult, Contemporary
  • Young Adult, Graphic Novel
  • Young Adult, Paranormal Romance
  • Young Adult, Romance


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Known Clients (current & past)
B. B. Alston
Sophie Anderson
P.G. Bell
Aislinn Brophy
Katy Cannon
Katrina Charman
Claire Fayers
Ruth Fitzgerald
Paul Gamble
Beth Garrod
Dustin Hansen
Sam Hay
Tori Kosara
Axel Maisy
Shirley Marr
Flynn Meaney
Mo O'Hara
Sibeal Pounder
Harriet Reuter Hapgood
Mike Revell
Robin Stevens
Matt Tarpley
Jessica Townsend
Sam Watkins
Mike White
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
06/14/2024 10:39 AM
Queried via email: 5/29/24
Form rejection: 6/14/24
Same form others have received!

YA Fantasy, 104k
06/12/2024 12:07 PM
She sent me a polite form rejection with a personal note at the end (not about my novel) 14 days after I submitted my query. I noticed she closed to queries a couple days later.
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
06/11/2024 08:53 AM
Profile Update: Closed to queries.
06/06/2024 11:26 AM
on 06/05/2024

on 05/25/2024

MG Fantasy 90k words
Rejection was a standard form.
05/17/2024 10:00 AM
Query via email 5/8/24
Rejection 5/17/24
Upper MG magic realism/mystery
Rec. a non-personel rejection form as others have listed
Appreciate the quick turnaround though
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Profile History
Last Update:
06/11/2024 - Closed to queries.
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