Mr. Peter Knapp

Park & Fine Literary and Media

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Peter Knapp

Park & Fine Literary and Media

55 Broadway, Suite 1601
New York, NY 10006
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


General Fiction
Graphic Novel
Middle Grade
Science Fiction
Women's Fiction
Young Adult


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Known Clients (current & past)
Daniel Aleman
Asd Asd
Tashie Bhuiyan
Soman Chainani
Lane Clarke
Melanie Conklin
Lindsay Cummings
Brenda Drake
Francesca Flores
Adalyn Grace
Ayana Gray
Rachel Griffin
Marcia Hoehne
Maiya Ibrahim
Lucy Keating
Ryan La Sala
Shelby Mahurin
Anna Michels
Ginny Myers Sain
Patricia Nelson
Danielle Parker
Melody Robinette
Crystal Smith
K.X. Song
Will Walton
Amelie Wen Zhao
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
10/21/2024 09:25 PM
Update 10/21/2024: Still no response, marking as a CNR since it's been a year

Email Queried following a DVPit like on Oct 21, 2023 (no confirmation email)
Nudged Feb 18, 2024 (no confirmation email)
Nudged again May 25, 2024, but edited the subject to take out the # from DVPit, and finally got a confirmation email. So if anyone hasn't gotten a confirmation email, especially if you included something like "#DVPit" in the subject, it may be going to spam.

We'll see if I get any sort of response to this last nudge

09/25/2024 07:27 PM
EQ 9-25-24
MG paranormal/contemporary fantasy 57k
09/25/2024 02:05 PM
42k MG contemporary

EQ: 9/25/24
09/23/2024 11:27 AM
Email Queried: 3/6/24
Full Request: 3/31/24 with kind letter saying he loved my title and MC's voice! Asked to send full to both Peter and Stuti! Fingers crossed for this one! Peter seems like a dream agent!
Full Sent: 4/1/24
Confirmation of Receipt for full from Stuti 4/2/24
UPDATE: Rejected about a month later with a kind and helpful letter about what he liked and what he thought would need fixed. Said he would be interested in seeing a revision and also said he'd be interested in seeing another project I'm currently revising.

Overall, he seems super nice and very helpful! Excited for the new project I'm sending him soon!

YA Fantasy Romance (98k words)

UPDATE: 9/1/24
Just queried the other project of mine that he and I corresponded about. Fingers crossed!

09/16/2024 11:14 AM
Query + Full submission 12/5/2023
104k upmarket, women's fiction, LGBTQ+
Referred by a current client and full was requested via their correspondence.

Update 1/3/2024 - Request for R&R
7/20/2024 - submitted R&R for their consideration
9/13/2024 - was told they would "have more" for me this week (of 9/9) and have heard nothing, so I have a feeling I'll be closing this soon.
9/16/2024 - they passed! turns out this was a colossal waste of my time.

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Profile History
Last Update:
04/20/2022 - Genres updated.
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