Ms. Roz Foster

Frances Goldin Literary Agency

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Roz Foster

Frances Goldin Literary Agency

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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Literary Fiction


Cultural/Social Issues
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Known Clients (current & past)
Scott Alexander Howard
Constance Sayers
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
07/30/2024 11:55 PM
She got back to me today on the QM query (like 3 days after I sent to QM) never got an email reply... I noticed after I sent it through QM that I had a major typo in her name... Dear Ron! Yikes! I'm sure that isn't why it was rejected though. I just feel bad for doing that. It was a very kind form.
07/29/2024 11:55 AM
@Christi12 I never heard back on my email query either, which is really a bummer. I guess I was just super unlucky to email her right before she switched systems (I think I submitted like, two days before her query manager opened lol.) I personally figured it was better not to pester by re-submitting, but if I happen to get an offer of rep from someone else I'll resubmit to inform her via query manager, since I don't think she checks her email. It looks like @iamgotharts down below in the comments resubmitted via QM and got an answer.
07/27/2024 10:02 AM
I was just realizing that I never heard back (I emailed in March) from Roz and maybe it's because she has switched to query manager. I've significantly revising my query package so I may try again through QM. Has anyone heard back from her through email after she switched?
07/23/2024 01:51 PM
4/28: Email query
7/22: longish nudge; rather tthan send a query manager thing, I decided to send a nudge with several details about the book.
07/02/2024 01:47 PM
75k Literary Fantasy/Myth

31/5 - query
7/6 - full req with LOVELY note. I only subbed on the 14th (so 1 week delay) because I was in hospital
24/6 - nudge with offer
28/6 - step aside, unsure about representing genre elements

she seems wonderful.

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Profile History
Last Update:
05/30/2024 - Now using QueryManager. Genres updated.
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