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Ms. Sara Crowe

Sara Crowe Literary

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Closed to Unsolicited Queries

Sara Crowe

Sara Crowe Literary

New York, NY
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
This agent is seeking the following genres:


Graphic Novel
Literary Fiction
Middle Grade
Picture Book
  • Picture Book, Author/Illustrator
  • Romance, Comedy
Young Adult


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Known Clients (current & past)
Marianna Baer
Erin Bowman
Steve Bramucci
Amy Rose Capetta
Carolee Deen
Peggy Eddleman
Megan Frazer
Jc Geiger
James Hannibal
Veera Hiranandani
Jeff Hirsch
Varian Johnson
Erin Entrada Kelly
Nina Lacour
Jonathan Maberry
Laura Marx Fitzgerald
Susan Maupin Schmid
Amy McNamara
Michael Northrop
Sally J. Pla
Kim Savage
Lisa Schroeder
Victoria Scott
Trisha Shaskan
Andrew Shvarts
Coert Voorhees
Robison Wells
Dan Wells
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
08/26/2024 09:32 AM
original query + sample pages sent: June 2023
updated query + updated sample pages sent (with permission from
assistant): September 2023
checked in to see if my MS was still available: February 2024
R&R received: June 2024
R&R submitted: July 2024

78k queer YA romance
01/20/2024 02:36 PM
For those of you who sent fulls out last year, have you heard back? They are still closed to new submissions which tells me they are more than likely still reading, but figured I'd ask. :)
08/02/2023 01:36 PM
@authora3, not since the agency closed, but I did nudge on the full I sent back in January. Sara asked me to resend and I did (this was in May) and I haven't heard back. It sounds like she's getting caught up. I hope the outcome is good news for us and all who queried! All the fingers crossed.
08/02/2023 11:00 AM
Has anyone nudged on a full while the agency is closed to new submissions? Not sure if they're checking the submissions inbox since it's set to autoreply.
07/21/2023 07:37 PM
EQ: 6/18/23
Form Rejection: 7/21/23

MG Contemporary 44k Words
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Profile History
Last Update:
07/05/2023 - Closed to queries.
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