Ms. Jennifer Unter

The Unter Agency

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Jennifer Unter

The Unter Agency

Bronxville, NY
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Middle Grade
Picture Book
Young Adult


Current Affairs/Politics
Pop Culture
True Adventure/Crime
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Known Clients (current & past)
Barbara Bottner
Lauren Brown
Amanda Davis
Maria Finn
Sue Fliess
Emily France
Tracey Kyle
Bob Logan
Jill Mansell
Anne O'Brien
Christopher Pike
Nina Planck
Shelly Reuben
Carley Roney
Sherene Schostak
Felicia Stoler
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
Patrick (Admin)
06/28/2024 12:31 PM
Thanks EB_lit
06/28/2024 11:43 AM
X-Twitter @JenniferUnter
05/29/2024 06:05 PM
Email Query: 3/11/24
Marking as CNR: 5/29/24

63K MG Fantasy (query only)

05/08/2024 07:43 PM
5/3/2024 Query, 80K narrative nonfic

5/4/2024 Proposal request

5/5/2024 SUN! I'm going to call this a Revise and Resend bc she wrote a really long reply and I think hit the nail on the head what other agents were thinking but couldn't articulate or direct the way Jen did. I've gotten (statistically) very positive feedback, "but..." Ironically Jen and I went to the same undergrad, and I teach writing in this same manner. Even though this means rewriting the whole thing, I'm excited. May split and get two out of it, because that's what she said the catch was, two different voices. Very grateful!

03/17/2024 08:25 PM
12/17/23 query 370-word picture book
12/18/23 received "Thank you for sending a query. We have received it and will be in touch if we are interested in pursuing your work."
3/17/24 CNR

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