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Ms. Sandra Bond

Bond Literary Agency

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Closed to Unsolicited Queries

Sandra Bond

Bond Literary Agency

4340 E Kentucky Ave, Ste 471
Denver, CO 80246
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
This agent is seeking the following genres:


Literary Fiction
Young Adult


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Known Clients (current & past)
Raymond Barfield
Michael Booth
William Brohaugh
Jennifer Brown
Margo Catts
Mark Cohen
Rod Collins
Benjamin Dancer
Stephen Denning
Solveig Eggerz
Katherine Ernst
Max Ernst
Kirk Farber
Beth Groundwater
Mark Herder
Catherine Hope
W.C. Jameson
Candace Kearns Read
Emily Layne
Alex Livingston
Cynthia Massey
Alex Mitchell
Bruce Most
Federico Pena
Anthony Poon
Jeff Pryor
Rob Riggan
Christopher Scherer
Susan Spann
Jacqueline St. Joan
Nancy Stohlman
McCormick Templeman
Jill Tietjen
Tiffany Tyson
Len Vlahos
Charlotte Waisman
Paula Woodward
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
02/03/2022 03:35 PM
Queried through form 3/31/21
Upmarket/literary fiction

I don't understand how agents can make you submit through a form and still can't send a form rejection. This should be easy to fix!
11/05/2021 12:14 PM
CNR 80 days
No response to nudge
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
10/08/2021 05:34 PM
Profile Update: Closed to queries. Thanks jamiesogn
10/08/2021 04:29 PM
Website indicates Sandra is closed to queries until January 3, 2022.
07/24/2021 09:32 AM
FQ: 7.24.2021 82k crime thriller
More author comments available to members.

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Profile History
Last Update:
10/08/2021 - Closed to queries.
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