Ms. Tina Schwartz
The Purcell Agency, LLC
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
Tina Schwartz
The Purcell Agency, LLC
- Website:
- Twitter (X):
- @tinaPschwartz
- AALA Member:
- Yes (Visit Site)
Query Methods
This agent is seeking the following genres:
Chick Lit
Middle Grade
Young Adult
How To
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Known Clients (current & past)
C.H. Armstrong
Tori Kelley
Melody Maysonet
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
12/27/2024 09:23 AM
Hi, it's Tina. Wanted to let you know if you've pitched me at a conference and I requested pages, I will definitely respond. Sadly, I'm way behind. I have one left to be decided in March'24, and the 57 more from April on. Please do not consider it a "no" until I've responded, as I am still reading and making decisions. If you nudged and didn't get a response, please reach out again! It was an oversight, I usually respond to every nudge I see. Thanks and a thousand apologies for taking SO long with my decisions. There are so many wonderful submissions, and I want to make sure I'm giving them each my undivided attention! Thanks and happy holidays. ~ Tina P. Schwartz
12/03/2024 10:50 AM
EQ: 5/22/24
ER: 12/2/24
ER: 12/2/24
10/13/2024 05:45 PM
Pitched in person at a conference 3/24/2024.
She asked me to send my first 3 chapters, which I did. No response.
Followed up with an email 5/27/2024. No response.
Marked CNR 6/26/2024.
She finally sent a rejection on 9/19/2024, nearly six months after our face-to-face pitch.
She asked me to send my first 3 chapters, which I did. No response.
Followed up with an email 5/27/2024. No response.
Marked CNR 6/26/2024.
She finally sent a rejection on 9/19/2024, nearly six months after our face-to-face pitch.
09/22/2024 11:21 AM
Queried after a contact through an online pitch event. Sent the first 50 pages.
Upmarket 89K.
Upmarket 89K.
Agent Interviews
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None found for this agent
Success Story Interviews
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Profile History
- Last Update:
- 06/03/2024 -
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forwarded by Vicky Weber on 5-15-24
X 6-24-24 (too creepy and out of her comfort zone, oh well)