Mr. Paul Levine
Paul S. Levine Literary Agent
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Paul Levine
Paul S. Levine Literary Agent
1054 Superba Avenue
Venice, CA 90291
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Query Methods
This agent is seeking the following genres:
Literary Fiction
Women's Fiction
Young Adult
How To
Pop Culture
Women's Issues
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Known Clients (current & past)
Zack Arnstein
Larry Arnstein
Tammy Bruce
Edward Cline
Sheila Copeland
Jessica Curran
Tad Daley
John Decure
Mark Evanier
Alison Havancik
Linda Hudson-Smith
Alison James
Victoria Johnson
Carol Jones
Jack Kirby
Donna Lee
Alex Marcoux
Liliana Monteil-Doucette
Karen Ronney
Margot Russell
Patricia Santos
David Seidman
Mark Sharlow
Valerie Shaw
Jeffrey Simon
Julie M. Simon
Vicki Vantoch
Susie Wyshak
Steve Young
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
10/23/2024 04:10 PM
Don't like this one--attorney?
07/19/2024 02:32 PM
took 2 hours to say "Thanks, but no thanks."
06/17/2024 09:52 PM
Thanks, but no thanks club in less than 24 hours. A simple "not for me" would be enough, but maybe he enjoys being rude.
06/12/2024 06:02 PM
Sent email query today, June 12, 2024. Within hours I received his response: Thanks but no thanks. Agreed. It's snide.
06/12/2024 07:41 AM
Sent an email Query after reading his website.
Romance June 11, 2024 @12:18 PM Central Standard Time
Update: Got the same message this morning as everyone else.
Romance June 11, 2024 @12:18 PM Central Standard Time
Update: Got the same message this morning as everyone else.
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