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Ms. Joelle Delbourgo

Joelle Delbourgo Associates

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Joelle Delbourgo

Joelle Delbourgo Associates

Montclair, NJ
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Literary Fiction
Women's Fiction


Current Affairs/Politics
Pop Culture
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Known Clients (current & past)
Pamela Duncan
Roy Hoffman
Richard Tyler Jordan
Geralyn Lucas
Ben Winters
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
07/02/2024 12:23 PM
I love querytracker; it has helped me to get two agents: one for adult, and one for children’s. I rely on the comments here to decide who to submit to (and who to accept when they offer). It is for this reason that I must make this comment; I need to contribute to the community, so that we all learn on this querying journey.

Joelle offered to represent my children’s book (and potential series), after I’d only been querying for a few months. She was persuasive as to why she was the best person for me. I accepted.

We went on submission, and we got seven mild passes from editors, i.e., just boring, “Not quite right for us.” Nothing that needed to be fixed. I’ve been on (successful) submission before, and I know when to worry and when not to worry; these were nothing to worry about. We paused for the holidays and she said we’d resume in February when her schedule freed up. That month came and she said she needed until May.

In May she told me she was dropping me because she decided to get out of the children’s market.

There is nothing illegal or contractually unethical about her decision. However, she couldn’t have done more damage to my book and potential book series if she had been hired by an enemy to destroy me. It is a near impossibility to query a book that has already been out on submission, even though it was sent to just seven agents who had nothing critical to say. As you guys know, we have about 30 seconds in a query letter to convince an agent to read more, and, “It has already been out on submission” is nearly always an instant pass. Joelle knows this.

So, no, not illegal or contractually unethical. But really, really messed up.

If she hadn’t offered to represent me and persuaded me to go with her, I could easily have gotten another agent; I’d only been querying for a few months.

She was cold and uncaring when she dropped me—in an email, not even bothering to call. Just sort of sorry, hate to tell you this, but that is the way it is. No concern over how she had just basically destroyed my chances of getting traditionally published.

She made a commitment to me, and then she dropped me when that commitment became inconvenient for her. I believe that says something about her character.

Do what you will with this information. I am trying to figure out what to do to not lose a book (and possible series) that I worked on for five years.
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
05/24/2024 02:40 PM
Profile Update: Closed to queries.
04/28/2024 12:33 PM
Closed to unsolicited queries as of 4/26/24, per their website: https://delbourgo.com/submissions/
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
03/12/2024 08:49 PM
Profile Update: Genres updated. Thanks nara_r
03/12/2024 02:59 PM
Website has this note....
Do not send: Westerns, poetry, children’s books (including picture books, middle grade and YA), screenplays or previously self-published books.

They should modify the Genres list in query tracker if they are not accepting children books.

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Profile History
Last Update:
05/24/2024 - Closed to queries.
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