Mr. Matthew Carnicelli
Carnicelli Literary Management
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Matthew Carnicelli
Carnicelli Literary Management
7 Kipp Road
Rhinebeck, NY 12572
- Website:
- AALA Member:
- No
Query Methods
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Online Form [Go To Form]
This agent is seeking the following genres:
Literary Fiction
Cultural/Social Issues
Current Affairs/Politics
Pop Culture
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Known Clients (current & past)
Michael Anthony
Derf Backderf
Emerson Baker
Anat Baniel
Harper Barnes
Dean Brenner
Cristine Chandler
Paul Donahue
Daniel Drollette
Marc Ecko
Laurie Edwards
Jim Gorant
Pam Grout
Rawn James
Steve Jarding
Brad Karsh
Roland Lazenby
Kurt Opprecht
Aki Peritz
Joseph Quinlan
Annette Ramke
Eric Rosenbach
Mudcat Saunders
Kendall Scott
Scott Sherman
Michael Silverman
Michele Simon
Loren Steffy
Tom Stoner
Felicia Sullivan
Chuck Todd
Mel White
Kevin Williamson
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
09/09/2024 05:29 PM
Online Form Submitted - 08/28/2024
Rejected via Email - 09/09/2024
111,000+ Memoir
Rejected via Email - 09/09/2024
111,000+ Memoir
07/28/2024 09:25 AM
On the agent's web page, the link to the detailed submission guidelines doesn't work.
But you do get to a submission form by clicking on the SUMBMISSIONS TAB.
However, there's no place on that form to paste in your actual query letter. There's an utterly daunting instruction---what author is asked to do in a mere 2 paragraphs---that struck me as written by somebody aiming to discourage submissions rather than coming out and saying "Closed to Queries". Here 'tis:
Synopsis (up to two paragraphs):
Be as succinct and clear as possible. Describe your project and tell us why it is important, timely, and salable.
But you do get to a submission form by clicking on the SUMBMISSIONS TAB.
However, there's no place on that form to paste in your actual query letter. There's an utterly daunting instruction---what author is asked to do in a mere 2 paragraphs---that struck me as written by somebody aiming to discourage submissions rather than coming out and saying "Closed to Queries". Here 'tis:
Synopsis (up to two paragraphs):
Be as succinct and clear as possible. Describe your project and tell us why it is important, timely, and salable.
02/14/2024 10:42 AM
12 days. 141,000 word memoir.
Form response. "Thank you for writing, but I don’t think I would be the best agent to represent your work."
Form response. "Thank you for writing, but I don’t think I would be the best agent to represent your work."
09/19/2023 07:15 PM
Quick reply with a polite rejection, but no indication he read even one word in the 2 hours he had it.
Agent Interviews
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Profile History
- Last Update:
- - Now taking queries via online form.
Always verify agent's information before sending your query, and review the agent's website(s) for more up-to-date information.
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Before contacting an agent, authors should verify and assess the agent's requirements and suitability by visiting the agent's website(s), and becoming familiar with ways to spot and avoid bad agents. A good place to start is Writers Beware, a watch group that helps inform and protect authors from shady practices.
75,000 trauma memoir