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Ms. Kerry D'Agostino

Curtis Brown, Ltd.

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Kerry D'Agostino

Curtis Brown, Ltd.

10 Astor Place
New York, NY 10003
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Literary Fiction


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Known Clients (current & past)
Lisa Bubert
Leesa Cross-Smith
Anne Valente
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
03/24/2025 10:46 AM
Email Query 3/24/25
Supernatural Horror
02/16/2025 10:22 PM
Q: 12-12-24
CNR: 2-16-25

62k YA literary mystery with a focus on mental health
02/10/2025 08:44 AM
Q 12/27/24
CNR 2/10/25
Website says her response time is 3-4 weeks
10/26/2024 03:32 PM
88K Literary Fiction

-Queried 10/6/24
-Notified agent that I received an offer of rep from another agency: 10/13/24
-Full manuscript requested: 10/15/24
-Agent Offered representation on 10/18/24 with a really thoughtful email.

I have met with Kerry via zoom to discuss possible representation and she is lovely. Offered thoughtful editorial and really embraced and understood the themes and characters in my novel. Seems like she knows the business well and would be a great partner in the publishing journey. Her clients also speak very highly of her. Would definitely recommend querying this agent with literary fiction.

10/01/2024 08:54 AM
Pitched her at conference last month. She is whip-smart and lovely in person. My story might lean a little too commercial for her taste but my fingers are crossed on this one. Dream agent for sure! Good luck everyone still waiting on a response.
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