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Ms. Victoria Selvaggio

Storm Literary Agency

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Victoria Selvaggio

Storm Literary Agency

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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
This agent is seeking the following genres:


General Fiction
Middle Grade
New Adult
Picture Book
Young Adult


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Known Clients (current & past)
Lisa Amstutz
Lisa Kerr
Shelley Kinder
Julia Richardson
Natalie Rompella
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
07/28/2024 03:58 PM
In 2021, when I mentioned on Twitter that the founder of this literary agency has no experience in book publishing listed in her literary agency website's bio (while neither naming the agency nor the agent), Victoria shared my post to her own audience with her rebuttal. This encouraged one of Victoria's (now-former) picture book writer clients to tag the CEO of my (now-ex) employer on Twitter, writing:

"@[CEO] and @[Employer] I'm not sure if you've seen the defamatory remarks going around Twitter from one of your employees about Storm Literary Agency, but I wanted to let you know it's worth taking a look at."

This picture book author ex-client of Victoria's also vaguely insinuated I was a murderer on Twitter, then threatened to sue me, then got dropped as a client by Victoria and Storm.

Victoria has never apologized to me. Neither has Storm. They issued a vague statement saying that they don't condone "retaliation nor bullying," hence them letting their PB author go. They did not name me. They did not explain why their behavior was wrong. They did not mention Victoria's wielding of her social media status, as well as her literary agent status, as a weapon against a writer (hi!) who she didn't know making a good-faith point that literary agencies should be founded by people with experience in the book publishing industry.

(The ex-client picture book author referred to throughout this is Lisa D. Kerr, author of picture book "Wake, Sleepy One: California Poppies and the Super Bloom.")
07/28/2021 10:59 AM
EQ: 9/7/20
Numerous nudges, most of which were responded to.
ER: 7/28/21
Did not connect with the manuscript. She has very long response times, but will get back with you eventually!
10/15/2020 10:28 AM
Pitched Vicki at a conference, full ms requested (sent 7/1)
10/14/20 - brief but complimentary rejection.

Crime fiction 85k
08/11/2020 08:05 AM
11/15/2019: PR @ a conference pitch; she gave instructions to email 50 pgs (specifically requested that there not be a query letter w/ them, though)
11/19/2019: Emailed 50 pages
CNR 4/12/2020
6/17/2020 I received an email from her with apologies that she hadn't been able to read the partial yet but was going to now and was just checking first that it's still available. As I haven't been offered rep, I replied that I'd still love for her to consider it.
7/17/2020 I received an email from Vicki that she'd shared my sample pages with Kate Foster (new to Storm), who will take a look at the full MS. (I marked this as a rejection and made new entry made for Kate Foster)

Contemporary YA, 72K words
05/25/2020 12:39 PM
PR: Pitched Vicki at a conference and sent 50 pages at her request.

speculative YA, 85k words
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Profile History
Last Update:
- Changed agencies. Formerly with Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency.
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