Mr. Byrd Leavell
United Talent Agency
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Byrd Leavell
United Talent Agency
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- @byrdleavell3
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- No
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This agent is seeking the following genres:
Literary Fiction
Current Affairs/Politics
Pop Culture
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Known Clients (current & past)
Mark Frauenfelder
Scott Sigler
Clay Travis
David Wellington
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
Profile Update
Patrick (Admin)
09/23/2017 08:08 AM
Profile Update: Changed agencies. Moving to United Talent Agency. Details will be provided as they become known. Formerly with Waxman Literary Agency
12/22/2015 04:44 PM
EQ: 12/10
ER: 12/22
Fantasy, 152k words
Had a direct connection to Byrd, and so was able to submit my manuscript and synopsis without much of a traditional query. He gave it to whomever at his agency is the resident fantasy expert who returned the following comment:
Yes, a pass. It's is well written and familiar in all the ways epic fantasy
should be. Even so, he will have to figure out a way to let readers discover
the world rather than front load the book with exposition and context.
Editors have an allergic reaction to prologues in fantasy, so it’s better to
jump right into the story and let the world details come naturally. No need
to give readers all the history at once.
Traditional epic fantasy has fallen out of favor. Editors want something
they haven’t seen before, and Heir is perhaps too familiar at this stage.
ER: 12/22
Fantasy, 152k words
Had a direct connection to Byrd, and so was able to submit my manuscript and synopsis without much of a traditional query. He gave it to whomever at his agency is the resident fantasy expert who returned the following comment:
Yes, a pass. It's is well written and familiar in all the ways epic fantasy
should be. Even so, he will have to figure out a way to let readers discover
the world rather than front load the book with exposition and context.
Editors have an allergic reaction to prologues in fantasy, so it’s better to
jump right into the story and let the world details come naturally. No need
to give readers all the history at once.
Traditional epic fantasy has fallen out of favor. Editors want something
they haven’t seen before, and Heir is perhaps too familiar at this stage.
02/10/2015 06:45 PM
EQ: 1/16/15
Prison Memoir
Prison Memoir
10/22/2014 04:02 PM
Sorry for this being a bit belated and forgotten this summer. ON 8/11, I sent him a query and on 9/11, no word from him. So it's a closed/no response.
06/25/2014 07:58 PM
EQ 05/22
CNR 06/22
Sci-fi thriller
CNR 06/22
Sci-fi thriller
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Profile History
- Last Update:
- - Changed agencies. Moving to United Talent Agency.
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