Ms. Miriam Goderich
Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
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Miriam Goderich
Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
One Union Square West, Suite 904
New York, NY 10003
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- @MiriamGoderich
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Query Methods
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This agent is seeking the following genres:
Literary Fiction
Pop Culture
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Known Clients (current & past)
none found
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
10/05/2024 06:45 AM
I had a similar experience as histficdreaming. I couldn’t believe Miriam even responded to my query much less asked for a full. It was also one of the best days of my life! This of course did end with a kind rejection, but it’s the only request I’ve gotten so far and I will always think of her very fondly for that.
05/23/2024 10:30 AM
Got a very nice personalized rejectrion on my full from Jane Dystel and not Miriam, meaning they really do share materials within the agency.
11/05/2023 12:14 PM
2023-06-07 - Lit/Hist/Humor 98K
2023-11-05 CNR
2023-11-05 CNR
10/18/2023 02:11 AM
EQ: 9/14/23
Rejection: 10/16/23
Rejection: 10/16/23
03/09/2023 07:04 PM
106k Historical Fiction
2/26: Sent a query to a different agent at DGB.
3/1: Rejection by that agent, was referred to Miriam who asked for a full.
3/9: Rejection on the full: "The interesting perspective and compelling writing were both aspects we particularly admired. After very careful consideration, however, we have decided that we are not the appropriate agents for this project."
It was a nice personalized rejection. As a debut author, I was startled that an agent of this high status wanted to look at my work. I am thrilled and motivated to keep moving forward after her comments and kindness. I had one of the best days of my life when she requested a full. I hope more days like that are coming.
2/26: Sent a query to a different agent at DGB.
3/1: Rejection by that agent, was referred to Miriam who asked for a full.
3/9: Rejection on the full: "The interesting perspective and compelling writing were both aspects we particularly admired. After very careful consideration, however, we have decided that we are not the appropriate agents for this project."
It was a nice personalized rejection. As a debut author, I was startled that an agent of this high status wanted to look at my work. I am thrilled and motivated to keep moving forward after her comments and kindness. I had one of the best days of my life when she requested a full. I hope more days like that are coming.
Agent Interviews
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Profile History
- Last Update:
- 04/22/2019 - Genres updated.
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