Ms. Stacey Glick
Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
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Stacey Glick
Dystel Goderich & Bourret LLC
One Union Square West, Suite 904
New York, NY 10003
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Query Methods
Accepts queries via...
Postal Mail
This agent is seeking the following genres:
Chick Lit
General Fiction
Middle Grade
Picture Book
Young Adult
Current Affairs/Politics
Pop Culture
Women's Issues
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Known Clients (current & past)
A.J. Hartley
Bethany Neal
Amy Plum
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
01/26/2025 11:08 AM
Emailed 66k grief memoir - 1/26/26
03/06/2024 09:21 PM
Query emailed 1/5/2024
Nudged according to publisher website directions 3/6/2024
370-word picture book, author only
Nudged according to publisher website directions 3/6/2024
370-word picture book, author only
07/26/2023 09:32 AM
From their site:
Do send your query letter via email, and include the full query in the body of the email, not as an attachment. Do be sure to query only one agent at this agency. We will not review queries sent to more than one of us and a pass from one here is a pass from us all, as we do share materials widely in house.
Do include a writing sample of the first 25 pages of your manuscript (fiction) or your proposal with sample chapter (nonfiction) in the body of the email below your query letter.
Do proofread carefully and double-space your materials if possible.
Do resend your query email if you haven’t heard from us in 8 weeks, noting the date previously sent. Our goal is to read and respond to every query in that time frame.
If you’re submitting a picture book, do include the full text, as well as a dummy and/or sample art if available (attachments should be PDFs no larger than 20MB).
If you’re submitting a graphic novel as solely an author, do include the first 25 pages of the script. If you’re submitting a graphic novel as an author/illustrator, do include the first 25 pages of the script as well as 10 illustrated pages (attachments should be PDFs no larger than 20MB). We understand that industry-wide submission requirements for graphic novels are not yet standardized, so we also welcome other materials you may wish to provide, such as a link to your portfolio or pitch packet. (Please note, while we welcome picture book and graphic novel submissions from authors and author/illustrators, we are not open to illustrator-only submissions.)
Don’t send attachments with a blank email or an incomplete query – we will not open them.
Don’t send materials as a shared file or download link (such as Dropbox or Google Docs). We will not open these files.
Don’t submit to more than one of us at once, whether in the same query or separate queries, or requery another agent here after getting a pass. We share queries with each other frequently, so a no from one is a no from all.
Don't query more than one project at a time.
Don’t send a query for a novel until the manuscript is complete, polished and ready for review. We do not accept partial manuscripts for novels. Nonfiction can be queried with a proposal.
Don’t pitch projects or follow up on queries over the phone or via social media. Pitches made via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc, will not be considered except as part of a planned pitch event.
Query Tips
We like our queries to be concise, well-written, and well-proofed, and as devoid of gimmicks as possible. Here’s what to include:
A professional, personalized greeting.
A mention in the first paragraph of why you’re querying us: you admire a client’s work, you met us at a conference, you read a great interview, etc. Be brief and specific!
Key stats for your project: title, genre, word count, and comp titles or authors.
Your pitch: a paragraph or two summarizing your novel or nonfiction project that will hook us on your work. For fiction, please include genre, word count, and comp titles.
Your bio or credentials: your expertise in the topic, your previous publication credits, your social media platform.
As stated above, please note, while we welcome picture book and graphic novel submissions from authors and author/illustrators, we are not open to illustrator-only submissions.
See our FAQ section for more information on a strong query and what to expect when you’ve queried!
Do send your query letter via email, and include the full query in the body of the email, not as an attachment. Do be sure to query only one agent at this agency. We will not review queries sent to more than one of us and a pass from one here is a pass from us all, as we do share materials widely in house.
Do include a writing sample of the first 25 pages of your manuscript (fiction) or your proposal with sample chapter (nonfiction) in the body of the email below your query letter.
Do proofread carefully and double-space your materials if possible.
Do resend your query email if you haven’t heard from us in 8 weeks, noting the date previously sent. Our goal is to read and respond to every query in that time frame.
If you’re submitting a picture book, do include the full text, as well as a dummy and/or sample art if available (attachments should be PDFs no larger than 20MB).
If you’re submitting a graphic novel as solely an author, do include the first 25 pages of the script. If you’re submitting a graphic novel as an author/illustrator, do include the first 25 pages of the script as well as 10 illustrated pages (attachments should be PDFs no larger than 20MB). We understand that industry-wide submission requirements for graphic novels are not yet standardized, so we also welcome other materials you may wish to provide, such as a link to your portfolio or pitch packet. (Please note, while we welcome picture book and graphic novel submissions from authors and author/illustrators, we are not open to illustrator-only submissions.)
Don’t send attachments with a blank email or an incomplete query – we will not open them.
Don’t send materials as a shared file or download link (such as Dropbox or Google Docs). We will not open these files.
Don’t submit to more than one of us at once, whether in the same query or separate queries, or requery another agent here after getting a pass. We share queries with each other frequently, so a no from one is a no from all.
Don't query more than one project at a time.
Don’t send a query for a novel until the manuscript is complete, polished and ready for review. We do not accept partial manuscripts for novels. Nonfiction can be queried with a proposal.
Don’t pitch projects or follow up on queries over the phone or via social media. Pitches made via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc, will not be considered except as part of a planned pitch event.
Query Tips
We like our queries to be concise, well-written, and well-proofed, and as devoid of gimmicks as possible. Here’s what to include:
A professional, personalized greeting.
A mention in the first paragraph of why you’re querying us: you admire a client’s work, you met us at a conference, you read a great interview, etc. Be brief and specific!
Key stats for your project: title, genre, word count, and comp titles or authors.
Your pitch: a paragraph or two summarizing your novel or nonfiction project that will hook us on your work. For fiction, please include genre, word count, and comp titles.
Your bio or credentials: your expertise in the topic, your previous publication credits, your social media platform.
As stated above, please note, while we welcome picture book and graphic novel submissions from authors and author/illustrators, we are not open to illustrator-only submissions.
See our FAQ section for more information on a strong query and what to expect when you’ve queried!
Profile Update
Patrick (Admin)
05/18/2023 05:57 PM
Profile Update: Genres updated.
10/07/2022 09:28 AM
Hi beege25, I sent a follow up/resubmission with updates on 8/26/2022 and am yet to hear back. I will let you know if she ever gets back.
Update- no response at 6 weeks
Update- no response at 6 weeks
Agent Interviews
Interviews with this agent from across the web.
None found for this agent
Success Story Interviews
Read interviews with authors who have signed with this agent.
None found for this agent
Profile History
- Last Update:
- 05/18/2023 - Genres updated.
Always verify agent's information before sending your query, and review the agent's website(s) for more up-to-date information.
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An agent listing on QueryTracker is not an endorsement or recommendation of that agent by QueryTracker.
Before contacting an agent, authors should verify and assess the agent's requirements and suitability by visiting the agent's website(s), and becoming familiar with ways to spot and avoid bad agents. A good place to start is Writers Beware, a watch group that helps inform and protect authors from shady practices.