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Ms. Lisa Hagan

Lisa Hagan Literary

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Lisa Hagan

Lisa Hagan Literary

110 Martin Dr.
Bracey, VA 23919
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This agent is seeking the following genres:




Pop Culture
Women's Issues
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Known Clients (current & past)
Lawrence Anthony
Christine Arena
Art Bell
Chellie Campbell
Tami Coyne
Norma Eckroate
Brian Haughton
Patrick Hinds
Linda Howard
Steve Jermanok
Marie Jones
Jewel Kilcher
Erika Lieberman
Michael Luckman
Mark Macy
Jim Marrs
Stase Michaels
Jill Morrow
Paul Owens
Romaine Patterson
Dean Radin
Paula Roberts
Lexa Rosean
Donald Schnell
Graham Spence
Joshua Warren
Karen Weissman
Stacey Wolf
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
05/09/2023 08:34 AM
no memoirs
08/25/2021 06:10 PM
Really nice personalized rejection after one week. Intriguing, loved the title, just tough to place because of the photos. Don't I know it! But the photos have been cut way back and the ones that are left must stay, because they're so much a part of the story.
06/16/2021 11:02 AM
FR: 6/15/21
03/08/2021 10:08 PM
Also owns her own publishing company https://lisahaganbooks.com/

Isn't that a conflict of interest?
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
03/08/2021 07:37 PM
Profile Update: New email address.
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Profile History
Last Update:
03/08/2021 - New email address.
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