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Ms. Jenny Darling

Jenny Darling

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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
Represents Australian authors only

Jenny Darling

Jenny Darling

PO Box 5328
South Melbourne, VIC 3205
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
This agent is seeking the following genres:


General Fiction


General Non-Fiction
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Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
06/14/2019 12:55 PM
Profile Update: Closed to queries.
04/22/2019 11:05 PM
EQ 3/03/19
ER 4/22/19
Nudged on 22 April as they'd had the material a week longer than their stated maximum time. Got back a lovely reply, both incredibly heartening and also disappointing:

"Dear Tania,

Thanks for following this up. Yes, we’ve been very on the fence about the material you sent through which is why you haven’t yet heard from us. We thought your work was of a very high standard but since you have so many keen agents reading and we’ve been taking some time to make up our minds, I think it’s best we bow out at this point.

Very best of luck elsewhere and thank you for thinking of us.

All best,

A little worried that nudging was what tipped them into 'no', but other agents have openly encouraged people to nudge after stated timeframes have passed, so I'm feeling super uncertain now over whether I did the right thing.
03/01/2019 09:11 AM
She only represents Australian authors
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
02/26/2019 10:34 AM
Profile Update: Open to queries.
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
07/12/2016 10:06 AM
Profile Update: Closed to queries. (Thanks tabbird)
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Profile History
Last Update:
06/14/2019 - Closed to queries.
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