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Mr. Rubin Pfeffer

Rubin Pfeffer Content

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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
Currently accepting submissions through referral only.

Rubin Pfeffer

Rubin Pfeffer Content

648 Hammond Street
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
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Query Methods
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Closed to Unsolicited Queries
This agent is seeking the following genres:


Middle Grade
Picture Book
Young Adult


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Known Clients (current & past)
Elana K Arnold
Carole Boston Weatherford
Arree Chung
Dare Coulter
Nancy Bo Flood
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
08/10/2017 11:22 AM
I attended an SCBWI conference in June, at which Mr. Pfeffer was a presenter, which is why he accepted my recent query. That counts as a referral, because one of the conference percs was that he would accept queries from anyone who attended.
Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
05/22/2016 04:00 PM
Profile Update: Closed to queries. Currently accepting submissions through referral only. To query this agency, please see the profile for Melissa Nasson.
Patrick (Admin)
05/22/2016 03:59 PM
Yes, dlpoet17. Thanks for the info.
05/21/2016 03:44 PM
patrick, shouldn't he be closed to queries? and maybe the associate agent should be added?

Rubin Pfeffer is currently accepting submissions through referral only. Please specify the contact information of your reference when submitting. Melissa Nasson, associate agent, is open to queries.
04/01/2016 11:55 AM
EQ: 3/26/16
PR: 4/1/2016
YA Aladdin retelling 76k
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Profile History
Last Update:
- Closed to queries.
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