Ms. Danielle Egan-Miller
Browne & Miller Literary Associates
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Danielle Egan-Miller
Browne & Miller Literary Associates
52 Village Place
Hinsdale, IL 60526
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Query Methods
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This agent is seeking the following genres:
Family Saga
General Fiction
Literary Fiction
New Adult
Women's Fiction
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Known Clients (current & past)
Finola Austin
Nicole Baart
Charlene Ann Baumbich
Emily Belden
Kate Belli
Elizabeth Blackwell
Kelsey Blodget
Sherrill Bodine
Kylie Brant
Sandra Byrd
Megan Chance
Margaret Coel
Lyn Cote
Sandra Dallas
Rita Emmett
Jo Furniss
Shana Galen
Linda Hall
Dee Henderson
Helen Hooven Santmyer
Angela Hunt
A.H. Kim
Jerold Kreisman
William Kent Krueger
Iain Lawrence
T. I. Lowe
Sandi Lynn
Amy Sue Nathan
Gene O'Shea
Marta Perry
Erin Prophet
Michael Raleigh
Hugh Rawson
Matthew Rettenmund
Ann Ripley
Francine Rivers
Aleatha Romig
Roxanne Rustand
Lee Sandlin
Mahbod Seraji
Hal Straus
Julie Tollefson
Jeane Westin
Jack Zipes
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
08/23/2024 11:13 AM
Query sent 07-08-2024
91K adult suspense thriller
CNR after 45 days
91K adult suspense thriller
CNR after 45 days
08/16/2024 02:39 PM
Query sent 8/6/24
Commercial/book club fiction
Commercial/book club fiction
07/25/2024 08:39 AM
Submitted query and 2 days later received a request for pages and synopsis.
06/26/2024 01:22 PM
Email Query on Referral: 6-26-24
92K Historical Fiction
92K Historical Fiction
Agent Interviews
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None found for this agent
Profile History
- Last Update:
- 04/11/2024 - Open to queries.
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Auto Reply 9/5 - If we are interested in your project based upon your query, we will respond to you within four to eight (4-8) weeks.