Mr. Peter Cox

Redhammer Management Ltd

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Peter Cox

Redhammer Management Ltd

186 Bickenhall Mansions
London WIU6BX
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Chick Lit
Family Saga
Science Fiction
Women's Fiction
Young Adult


Current Affairs/Politics
Pop Culture
Women's Issues
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Known Clients (current & past)
Martin Bell
Nicholas Booth
John Brindley
Brian Clegg
Joe Donnelly
Audrey Eyton
Orrin G. Hatch
Orrin Hatch
Amanda Lees
Nicholas Monson
Michelle Paver
David Soul
Carolyn Soutar
Donald Trelford
Justin Wintle
David Yelland
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
01/23/2024 02:04 PM
No listing on Publishers Marketplace, Manuscript Wishlist, the Association of Authors Agents (UK)... This guy may have been an agent at one time but he isn't anymore from what I can tell. The whisper network has lead me to believe that too. Riding the coattails of a few very successful authors still on his list from back in the day. And google fingers make me think the contact he has at the agency (the winners of now defunct pop ups would go to) is the guy representing his wife's cookbook.

12/18/2023 07:52 AM
They want credit card information in order to submit...NOPE
11/04/2023 07:49 AM
While I do think this is a legitimate agency the lack of signing/sales shows his interest lies elsewhere.

11/02/2023 01:19 AM
This does not seem like a legitimate, literary agency. The website focuses on services he can provide to you and things you can join (that it seems he runs). The site is very vague on anything in regards to him actually representing any authors at all. Should this agency even be on query tracker?
10/19/2023 10:09 AM
I agree with the previous comment about pop-up submissions seeming to look more for a short story than the first 700 words of a novel. While I definitely appreciated having my submission read, and it was interesting to hear feedback, the overall criticism of my section was, essentially, that I didn't get to the action fast enough. If this had been a longer submission, I could perhaps understand, but 700 words is barely even a complete chapter. Despite this, the criticism was that I included too much extraneous detail and should have got to the meat of the story quicker.

If they would prefer short stories, that's certainly valid, but I feel like that should be made more clear in the submission. Asking for an introductory 700 words and then criticising them for being introductory isn't particularly helpful.

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