Ms. Stephanie Cabot

Susanna Lea Associates - New York

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Stephanie Cabot

Susanna Lea Associates - New York

136 East 57th Street, 18th floor
New York, NY 10022
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Literary Fiction
Science Fiction


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Known Clients (current & past)
Leila Aboueila
Toby Barlow
Joann Chaney
Catherine Delors
Nicola Griffith
Laura Harrington
Laura Harrison
Mark Mills
Belinda Starling
Olen Steinhauer
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
07/04/2024 04:20 PM
Email Query: 7-4-24

92K Historical Fiction
07/03/2024 08:46 AM
EQ 04/08/2024
CNR 07/03/2024
Adult Fantasy

The page says 8-12 weeks. So CNR after 86 days. No point waiting any longer! Comments say this agent's timeline shows fantasy is usually rejected!
06/29/2024 08:24 PM
Email query sent 2/8/2024
CNR 6/29/2024
105k archaeological adventure / thriller

05/13/2024 06:09 PM
IWSGPit Request from Neyla Downs
EQ: 3/30
Full Request! 4/2
Full sent: 4/7
Rejection: 5/13

Tons of great feedback and complimentary things. It ultimately was a mismatch in vision, but I really appreciated the time Neyla took to write out what all they'd want done differently. She did say she'd be interested in a revision if I went that route. Fantasy writers, don't give up; it sounds like this agency is just very particular about what kind of fantasy they rep.

109k adult dark contemporary fantasy

05/12/2024 09:56 AM
There's no point in staring at this one on my list, anymore. She's clearly not looking for any fantasy, regardless of what's on her genres list. Otherwise, there wouldn't be a 95.1% CNR rate for fantasy over the last 2 years.
Time to add one more CNR to that list.
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Profile History
Last Update:
07/09/2020 - Changed agencies. Formerly with The Gernert Company.
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