Mr. Albert Longden
Albert T. Longden Associates
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Albert Longden
Albert T. Longden Associates
475 Wall Street
Princeton, NJ 08540
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Query Methods
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This agent is seeking the following genres:
General Fiction
Science Fiction
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Known Clients (current & past)
Robert Atkins
Charles Berlitz
Norman Bogner
Virginia Boyd
James Cabrera
William E. Chambers
Richard Doetch
Marcel Ray Duriez
Janice Reals Ellig
Martin Greenberg
Robert Hooks
Jesus Javier Rivera
Jack Klugman
William J. Morin
Doris Parmett
Richard Sand
Jerry Steinberg
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
01/03/2025 02:34 PM
Q: 12/31/24 179k action adventure/urban fantasy
R: 1/3/25
Form letter
R: 1/3/25
Form letter
12/31/2024 09:26 AM
I believe it is "" and not ""
I believe it is "" and not ""
12/30/2024 08:20 PM
12/30/24: I submitted (150,000 word military fantasy), couldn't find his criteria, made a best guess... and got it slightly wrong. I sent a follow-up e-mail with the rest of what I needed, thanks to jpincus14's very helpful comment from 11/5/24. Let's see what happens!
11/05/2024 09:36 AM
Submission Guidelines: Submit a detailed pitch letter (within the email, not attached), explaining the submission, its title, a one line "log-line", and brief summary or synopsis of the work. Attach the first three chapters and a brief author bio and how you can help market the work for any future publisher. Submit to
Agent Interviews
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None found for this agent
Success Story Interviews
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Profile History
- Last Update:
- 02/07/2022 - New email address.
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Thank you jpincus14!
Resubmitted 1/5/2025