Ms. Claudia Ballard

William Morris Endeavor

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Claudia Ballard

William Morris Endeavor

New York, NY
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


General Fiction


General Non-Fiction
Humor/Gift Book
Pop Culture
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Known Clients (current & past)
Megan Amram
Marie-Helene Bertino
Julie Buntin
Halle Butler
Marjorie Celona
Amelia Gray
Eddie Joyce
Charlie Kaufman
Alexandra Kleeman
Ben Nugent
Kiley Reid
Ben Shattuck
Emma Straub
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
06/27/2024 10:57 AM
Closing after 59 days on 6/27/24. (WME website says 6 weeks.)
05/24/2024 06:59 PM
Closing this one out after 36 days. I see that someone got a full request who queried 4 days after me.

CNR - 5/24/24
03/29/2024 01:43 PM
Emma Straub
08/14/2023 01:53 PM
EQ (referral): 6/15
FR: 6/15
Nudge with offer: 7/25
Very, very kind step-aside: 8/14
07/13/2023 01:17 PM
EQ: 25 Apr 2023
Commercial Women's Fiction: 99k
13 Jul 2023: According to new website: "if you haven’t heard back in six weeks, you can feel free to try another agent in the department."

And so I do. CNR.
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Profile History
Last Update:
07/13/2023 - New email address and website.
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