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Ms. Dana Murphy

Trellis Literary Management

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Dana Murphy

Trellis Literary Management

New York, NY
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Chick Lit
Family Saga
Literary Fiction
New Adult
  • Romance, Contemporary
Women's Fiction
Young Adult
  • Young Adult, Contemporary
  • Young Adult, Literary
  • Young Adult, Mystery
  • Young Adult, Romance


Cultural/Social Issues
Current Affairs/Politics
Humor/Gift Book
Pop Culture
Women's Issues
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Known Clients (current & past)
Danya Kukafka
Gabby Noone
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
06/03/2024 02:57 PM
The same form letter rejection everyone else received: "I can see that you've put a lot of care and thought into [BOOK TITLE]. But, in order to be the right advocate for a book," etc. Not one word to indicate she read it. Not everyone puts care and thought into these things, I guess.
05/29/2024 03:20 AM
@Kaylee2222 I also received this, unfortunately about a week too late as I decided to self-publish and literally just started sending out ARCs. I'm only on the first draft of my current WIP, so I'm hoping this will still apply when it's ready to query. Really good of her to do this though, and so refreshing after so many CNRs!
05/28/2024 07:14 PM
Just received a refreshingly honest update from this agent, which I truly respect. Wanted to share for those debating querying her.

Queried 5.13.23
CNR about ...December?
Today (5.28.24 - 381 days later), I received a very apologetic and candid email about how there was an accidental misfiling in her query manager which meant my query, along with some others were marked read and archived without her having actually reviewed them. She apologized profusely, admitted to understanding if we wouldn't want to submit (and that she hoped our projects had homes) but that we could resubmit with a special link which would receive top priority. That we could submit the previous project, a new one, or a future one depending on where we may be.
Many agents would simply let this error go, not own to the mistake and offer a correction. I personally believe it shows great character.
I resubmitted with my old project (which I had paused but still have fulls on, and sounded like a better fit - Fingers Crossed!).

I'm sure some people with think less of her for having made the error, but everyone makes mistakes. I think this demonstrates integrity and that's important to me in an agent.
05/16/2024 07:52 AM
FQ: 12/22/23
Adult Romance
CNR: It's been 8 weeks, so making CNR.(2/27/24)
On 5/15/24 received a generic email rejection (five months since my query was submitted).

01/17/2024 01:47 PM
85k nonfiction/memoir
query manager: 12/9/23

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Profile History
Last Update:
01/09/2024 - Closed to queries.
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