Ms. Kelly Peterson

Rees Literary Agency

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Kelly Peterson

Rees Literary Agency

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This agent is seeking the following genres:


  • Fantasy, Historical
Middle Grade
  • Middle Grade, Adventure
  • Middle Grade, Contemporary
  • Middle Grade, Fantasy
  • Middle Grade, Historical
  • Romance, Contemporary
  • Romance, Historical
Young Adult
  • Young Adult, Contemporary
  • Young Adult, Fantasy
  • Young Adult, Historical
  • Young Adult, Paranormal
  • Young Adult, Romance
  • Young Adult, Science Fiction
  • Young Adult, Thriller/Suspense


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Known Clients (current & past)
Kerry Adrienne
Avery Aster
Emm Cole
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
10/08/2024 09:06 AM
Referral by virtual pitch through Colorado Writing Workshop
QM: 3/21/24 with full ms
Nudge with revised ms: 7/14/24
Nudge with offer of rep: 9/30/24
Very kind step aside: 10/8/24

MG Con 55k

06/04/2024 03:34 PM
Received a form (I think?) rejection on a query almost two years later. It included some moderately condescending advice about the importance of critique partners and checking out resources to find agents who are building their lists. I've since started querying something else so it's kind of a non-issue to me (I was surprised to see it in my inbox, honestly), but I wanted to share this information with querying writers.

03/25/2024 12:02 PM
Submitted in Feb 2023. Still no response.
02/03/2024 08:10 PM
Live pitch 10/14/23
Requested 50 pages, sent same day 10/14/23
nudge w small press offer 1/16/24
withdrawn 2/3/24
88k ya fantasy

12/17/2023 04:28 PM
Never replied
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Profile History
Last Update:
02/04/2023 - Closed to queries.
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