Ms. Elizabeth Copps

Copps Literary Services

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Elizabeth Copps

Copps Literary Services

New York, NY
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Family Saga
  • Fantasy, Magical Realism
Literary Fiction
Middle Grade
  • Middle Grade, Contemporary
  • Middle Grade, Historical
  • Middle Grade, Literary
  • Middle Grade, Mystery
  • Romance, Contemporary
  • Romance, Historical
Women's Fiction


Cultural/Social Issues
True Adventure/Crime
Women's Issues
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Patrick (Admin)
06/24/2024 03:15 PM
Thanks alykat96
06/24/2024 09:13 AM
The twitter account listed here is suspended. She has another twitter here @elizcopps
06/20/2024 09:45 PM
My rejection just arrived at 593 days, with a kind note that didn't have to be. Yes, it was a form letter, but it reminded me of Elizabeth's humanity. Imagine having a to-do list this long? The publishing system is hard on agents too, not just writers.

06/20/2024 09:34 PM
599 days. What is the point in sending a form rejection after more than a year and a half? It's a dead project. Your superior friends have already made it very clear that you don't think I'm any good. What benefit does this offer?

And for the record, because many people are fooled: Copps was also impressed by the "effort and creativity you've put into your work," wishes that "you've already found the perfect representative for your work," etc. It's a form letter meant to resemble a personalized letter. Just another trick that these sociopaths have added to their kit.
06/20/2024 01:51 PM
I received a rejection letter after 602 days. In it, she apologized for the length of time it took her to reply. Rather than being hurt by the rejection, I felt soothed that she was even making an effort to reach out! So many agents don't reply at all. The note was kind, warm, and professional.

Part of the rejection:
"I recognize the effort and creativity you've put into your work, and I truly apologize for the length of time that lapsed between receiving your query and this message. I hope that you've already found the perfect representative for your work, but I did want you to know that I read your submission despite the shameful timeline."
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Last Update:
12/05/2022 - Closed to queries.
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