Mr. Euan Thorneycroft

A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd

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Euan Thorneycroft

A.M. Heath & Co. Ltd

6 Warwick Court
London, Holborn, UK WC1R 5DJ
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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Literary Fiction
Women's Fiction


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Known Clients (current & past)
Jamie Andrew
Simon Beaufort
Angus Bell
Parker Bilal
Jasmine Birtles
Kate Bradbury
Nick Brooks
Richard Burke
Jayne Buxton
Steve Cavanagh
Andy Cave
Mark Chadbourn
Julie Corbin
Sophie Coulombeau
Ruby Cowling
Matt Coyne
Andrea Cremer
Fflur Dafydd
Stevie Davies
Lindsey Davis
Robert Dinsdale
Peter Berresford Ellis
Kate Ellis
Rj Ellory
John Fenton
Roshi Fernando
Bob Fischer
Tom Fletcher
Kathryn Fox
Vanessa Gebbie
Susanna Gregory
Kerry Hadley-Pryce
Steve Hamilton
Dave Hamilton
Elizabeth Hartley-Brewer
Donna Hay
Gijs van Hensbergen
Justin Irwin
Steven Jacobi
Bill James
Kerry Jamieson
Cynan Jones
Harry Karlinsky
Claire Kendal
Niyati Keni
Tim Kevan
Vaseem Khan
Judith Levine
Beth Lewis
Jamal Mahjoub
Simon Majumdar
Jaki McCarrick
Jennifer McCartney
Matt McGee
Robert McGill
Carol McGuigan
Hilary Norman
Karen Paolillo
Maha Khan Phillips
Matthew Plampin
Tim Pritchard
Danielle Ramsay
Ben Richards
Matthew Richardson
Matt Rudd
Tanya Sassoon
Graeme Shimmin
Anna Smith
Eleanor Thom
Peter Tremayne
Md Villiers
James Wheatley
Duncan White
Tim Willocks
Peter Woolf
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
06/09/2024 05:02 PM
Submitted cyberpunk/alt future thriller 20 May 2024. 68k words. Fingers crossed!
06/04/2024 04:33 PM
Queried June 3, 2024
93k-word Historical Fiction
05/07/2024 01:06 PM
Queried March 22
Nudged with notification of full requests March 25
Six week follow-up + included notice of more full requests May 6
Form rejection May 7

02/22/2024 11:07 AM
Q 13 Feb
R 21 Feb
FULL AGENCY rejection, cannot submit to anyone at A.M. Heath ... a whole new level of rejection!
11/21/2023 12:12 PM
EQ: 11/08/2023
FR: 11/21/2023
Women's Fiction 65k

Our agents have now had a chance to look at it and we are sorry to say we don’t feel that we can offer you representation. Because of the high volume of submissions we receive, unfortunately we are not able to give you more detailed feedback than this. However, these things are very subjective and someone else may well feel differently about your work.

Thank you again for letting us take a look at your material, and we wish you the best of luck in finding an agent and publisher.

More author comments available to members.

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