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Ms. Sheila Crowley

Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.

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Sheila Crowley

Curtis Brown Group, Ltd.

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General Fiction


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09/29/2024 05:31 AM
No response so submission was closed by this, after 121 days

08/14/2024 10:15 PM
nudged with offer of publication 8/14
07/11/2024 11:54 AM
Late posting this:
Pass on full with an amazingly supportive note 6/4/2024

"We really admired your writing, and thought your plotting was strong with a wonderful number of red herrings and twists. However, unfortunately we didn’t find ourselves rooting for any of the multiple perspectives or characters as much as we would have liked to, and so feel that we aren’t the right team to champion this story.

I’m very sorry to disappoint, but you are a strong writer, and we are sure that another agent will feel differently.

We wish you all the best for your future writing and should you have trouble finding an agent (which we’re sure you won’t), we would be happy to take a look at what you might write in the future."
06/03/2024 08:03 PM
Very prompt in sending confirmation that the agency received ms. Responded again, to decline, about 30 days later.
01/04/2024 10:51 AM
She asked for a full manuscript during ThrillerFest's Pitch event. Sent it the next day. Nudged on 12/19 - no response.
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Profile History
Last Update:
08/10/2023 - New email address.
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